posted 10/27/09 01:00 PM | updated 10/27/09 11:45 AM
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Brown is the Color of My Olmsted Blvd Street Sign

By Michael van Baker
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Photo courtesy of Benjamin Lukoff

Reader Lucia asks: "Do you guys know what's going on with the city changing over from green street signs with white lettering to brown street signs with white lettering?  This past week they have been doing it all over Queen Anne Hill."

I called SDOT about this mysterious development, and they referred me to the Parks & Recreation Dept. I left a voicemail with their communications person, but they haven't called back. Yet, I still know the answer: Brown street signs announce an Olmsted boulevard. The color-coordinated update was tucked away in our 2006 Bridging the Gap levy.

Am I a mind reader? Possibly. But in this case, I was searching on Flickr for photographic evidence of brown street signs, and contacted one Benjamin Lukoff about permission to use his brown street sign photo. Mr. Lukoff was amenable, and suggested if I was curious about them, I might like to read his comprehensive article on the topic. (In my defense, who reads Crosscut but the Gates Foundation?)

And now you know.

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Tags: street signs, brown, green, seattle, sdot, parks and recreation, bridging the gap, olmsted boulevards
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i'd been wondering, too...
...but I swear I saw streets that aren't on that list you link to with brown signs around Queen Anne this past weekend. Hmm..
Comment by ozmafan
1 day ago
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RE: i'd been wondering, too...
I think there might be more to it than Olmsted doings--maybe there's some Parks-wide and/or scenic route connection. If I get a call back from the Parks people I'll ask 'em.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
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Queen Anne
The brown street signs on Queen Anne mark Queen Anne Boulevard, one of the Olmsted boulevards which was laid out but was never named as such.
Comment by Benjamin Lukoff
1 hour ago
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