posted 11/03/09 07:40 AM | updated 11/03/09 09:07 AM
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Memories of Phil Lumpkin, O'Dea's Hoops Coach, Who Died This Weekend at 57

By Seth Kolloen
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I remember being shocked to find out that O'Dea coach Phil Lumpkin played point guard in the NBA. He didn't cut a very athletic figure: His potbelly barely contained by his maroon O'Dea polo, jutting out over his jeans.

But Lumpkin did play two seasons in the League, and a key role in what's widely regarded as the greatest NBA game ever--Game 5 of the 1976 Finals. Lumpkin took over at the point when the starter went down with injury and the Suns down 22 points. 

Said Phoenix coach John MacLeod: "(Lumpkin) was a very deliberate guard, and when we put him in, he slowed everything down. It calmed everybody down, and we made a heck of a run. I think we'd have been blown out if not for Phil Lumpkin."

Lumpkin brought that deliberate style to O'Dea, winning five state basketball titles with it. Lumpkin's teams weren't flashy, and didn't often blow opponents out; instead they'd slowly strangle them with stifling defense and deliberate, careful halfcourt offense.

When Lumpkin's players played poor defense, or sloppy offense, his verbal eruptions were a sight to behold. I once saw him make a player cry on the court.

But from what his players have told the Seattle Times' Mason Kelley, they appreciated his tough love approach. (Casey McNerthney of has also written an excellent obituary of Lumpkin).

Perhaps the best compliment to Lumpkin as a coach is this: He's the guy then-Sonics coach Nate McMillan entrusted his own son to. Jamelle McMillan played on three state title teams playing point guard, his dad's old position.

Lumpkin had been O'Dea's hoops coach since 1991; taking over the same year legendary Garfield coach Al Hairston left the Metro League for Seattle U. Hairston had won five titles at Garfield--Lumpkin matched that feat.

O'Dea hasn't announced when or if any memorial for Lumpkin will be held. Watch their website if you're interested.

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Phillip Lumpkin
Phillip was, if not the best, near the best of any guard in Miami University's basketball history. A true leader on the court, a great decision maker, outstanding scorer, the best passer we had during my 40 year relationship at Miami. The most memorable game was his double figure scoring and pin-point passing that led to Miami's huge victory over North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His success in coaching comes as no surprise to any of us who knew him.
Comment by Joe Barry
2 days ago
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Phil Lumpkin
Honesty, integrity, intense, compassionate, mentor, teacher...Those are just some words that come to mind when I think of Phil Lumpkin. Phil was my counselor and P.E. teacher at O'Dea High school from 92-95. His memory will live on through all the lives he has touched.
Comment by Tom Boyer
2 days ago
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Coach lumps
I had the pleasure of playing for Coach Lumpkin, he was the best motivator I have ever played for. Years later I see the value it had on and in my life.
Comment by Chris Robinson
2 days ago
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Coach Lumpkin
I was fortunate enough to be a part of Coach Lumpkin's program for 2 years. He was a great coach and teacher. I remember him telling me about that game he played in Chapel Hill when he beat the Tar Heels that is mentioned in one of the comments above. My Dad went to UNC and was actually at that game. Coach Lumpkin loved to remind my Dad and I about how he dominated the 'Heels that day. Coach will be missed.
Comment by Jesse Durham
2 days ago
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Its too bad that the one life he should have been a part of he chose not to so that he could mentor other people's children.
Comment by annonymous
2 days ago
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