posted 11/06/09 01:00 PM | updated 11/06/09 12:41 PM
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So We Think We Can Sew

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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It's the week after Logan was kicked off, and Irina wakes up on the bitchy side of the bitch bed. She accused Althea of copying her ON THE RUNWAY (in the same episode that Althea was talking shit and claiming that Logan stole her zipper collar, but that's whatevs). Meanwhile, sans Logan, Christopher is the last boy standing. Everybody's excited that Bryant Park is so close.

They go the Getty Center, the "heart of Los Angeles culture." They actually made Tim Gunn say that, and then he had to give a little spiel about how great the move to L.A. was--as if this hasn't been the boringest year of Runway ever. Don't make Tim Gunn lie like that! And definitely don't make him introduce the mayor of L.A., who is there to officially welcome Runway to town. Whaaaa? Mayor, get back to your mayoring. This week's challenge is to be inspired by the Getty Center to make some clothes. The models are also there to be muses. YAWN.

They tour the museum, then sketch, then go to Mood. They all get inspired by different things. Althea likes the architecture, Christopher likes a fountain, Irina and Gordana both like paintings, Carol Hannah likes a bed. 

Althea doesn't have any friends in the workroom. Tim Gunn comes in and tells Carol Hannah not to lose the sophistication in her bed dress. He's concerned about Irina's pelt. He tells Althea that her dress is puckered, but he thinks Gordana nailed it. Gordana's all crying about the Monet, and I get that. But pucker-dressed Althea thinks her gown is just too simple.  Irina gets rid of the fur from her outfit and just focuses on the dress.

The next day, everyone's freaking out a bit and thinking that all the other contestants' designs have flaws. Meee-owww. On the runway, the judges are Heidi, Nina, and random Cindy Crawford. Once again, Michael Kors couldn't bother to show up, so designer Cynthia Crowley was there instead.

Christopher thinks his boring grey dress was a big risk. Gordana's still crying about her dress. Irina's acting bitchy, but her dress is soooooo detailed, and the judges always eat that up. Althea's pleats are still puckered. The other judges try to be all "Um, no" without being mean about it, but then Heidi calls it a "mess fest." They don't like the styling of Irina's outfit, and they make her model take off her shoes and all her other accessories. Except for the belt. THE BELT STAYS.

Gordana's dress has a chunky zipper and is not so great from the back.  Carol Hannah's dress is perfect but safe, according to Nina. No one has anything nice to say to Christopher, so he cries, as is his wont. Basically, everybody's getting raked over the coals so that the announcement of the final three can be very dramaculous.

Then they start asking the contestants why they should make it to the final three, and who should come with them. Gordana says she should go to Bryant Park because she is from Bosnia. She picks Christopher and Irina, because of how much they want it. Althea likes Carol Hannah and Irina, though why is completely edited out. Carol Hannah picks Christopher and Althea. Irina also plays the immigrant card (she's from Georgia), and picks Althea and Gordana. Um, if you are picking based on work, not Gordana. They let Christopher cry some more and then he picks Irina and Carol Hannah.

Deliberation time! Althea's dress was poorly made, but at least interesting. Irina's was bad from the bottom down, but she has a clear vision. Christopher's was also bad from the bottom down, and he doesn't even know it was the wrong fabric (for shame). Carol Hannah is safe but classy and had the most impeccably made design. Gordana's was a big hit, but she's simple. Everybody has good things and bad things about each contestant!

Irina is in, Christopher is out, Carol Hannah is in, and now we're down to the final slot: Althea or Gordana. Althea is in, even though her dress today was terrible, because she took a risk. Buh bye to Gordana with some really bad Heidi overdubbing. They ask her to kindly get on the next train back to Bosnia. 

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Tags: project runway, lifetime, heidi klum, logan neitzel, reality tv, fashion, tim gunn
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