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The SunBreak
posted 11/12/09 10:11 AM | updated 11/12/09 10:11 AM
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Ivar's 75-Cent Chowder is Not a Hoax, But Billboards Are

By Michael van Baker
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Actually, the last time I was in Ivar's, I noticed the $0.75 cup of chowder, but settled on the bowl, thinking I'd pay full freight. When the bill came, it was $1.50. So, full disclosure, I'm not all that worked up about the billboard hoax/prank, even though I asked my waiter for the straight dope. An underwater billboard campaign aimed at nonexistent submarines strained credulity.

The Seattle Times sounds a little nettled though. Executive Editor David Boardman says they are reviewing their relationship with Paul Dorpat, the local historian who vouched for the authenticity of the underwater billboard campaign, saying "As far as I can tell, it's the real thing."

The Times took Dorpat at his word, it sounds like, and never checked to see if the price was correct for 1955 (it wasn't) or noticed that the "wrong governor was put on the letterhead from the Department of Fisheries." But maybe this is the attitude a very important newspaper must take. Public trust, and all.

The important news here is that the special run through November 22, so if you haven't chowdered up yet, there's still time.

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Tags: ivars, prank, hoax, billboard, underwater, campaign, advertisting, paul dorpat, david boardman, chowder
CommentsRSS Feed
Is brilliant!
Comment by TroyJMorris
2 months ago
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well, they fooled me...
...which isn't saying much. Anyway, it's through November 22, not the 2nd :-)
Comment by ozmafan
2 months ago
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RE: well, they fooled me...
Yes, that's what I *thought* I was typing. Thanks for the catch!
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
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Seems to me that 75 cents is pretty obviously not the price chowder was in 1955. Dick's hamburgers were 19 cents back then, hence the nickname (according to my Dad) of "Ricardo's Club 19."
Comment by Seth Kolloen
2 months ago
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