posted 11/14/09 03:08 PM | updated 11/14/09 03:08 PM
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The Weekend Wrap: Arson Suspect Collared, McGinn Transitions, and Banks Under Stress

By Michael van Baker
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"Squirrel Mural" courtesy of The SunBreak Flickr pool member Great Beyond

The Greenwood arsonist may turn out to arsonist. Seattle police have collared a 46-year-old homeless man with a long history of setting fires. The Seattle Times also reports that while there have been 17 arson-related fires in Greenwood in the past two months, there have been 68 in the past two years. Sleepy little Greenwood was wide awake--hundreds of residents and business owners packed an arson meeting earlier in the week, and a reward of $25,000 was offered.

Mayoral candidate Mike McGinn broke out the whiteboard and YouTube to update Seattle on his transition plans. One side effect may be ruffling Redmond feathers: McGinn is soliciting your input via Google Docs, famously uses an iPhone, and now his staff wants to use Macs, not PCs. Former Seattle-Times political reporter, current-Vulcan-PR-guy David Postman is advising McGinn on transition communications--Publicola commenters fear the worst.

Commercial real estate news continued to go down like a doubleshot of skunk-infused castor oil. The Mastro bankruptcy isn't going to be amicably settled. Calculated Risk calculated that 25 percent of Washington banks were "troubled," and Seattle Bubble noted that in terms of assets, not just institutions, 38 percent of the in-state lending market is held by "troubled" banks.

On The SunBreak, Seth talked the Mariners into resigning Ken Griffey, Jr., I exposed the sordid underbelly of the leafblower industry, Roger cast the McGinn election in a historic light, Josh previewed the Deck the Hall Ball, and Audrey recapped local chef Robin's last appearance on that reality cooking show. Oh, and in other food news, Ivar's lied to you. For chowdery shame!

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Tags: mike mcginn, david postman, mac, iphone, transition, mastro, ken griffey, ivars, greenwood, arson, arsonist
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Seattle Times profile on the arsonist
Don't forget the great profile of the arson suspect produced by the Seattle Times. They were convinced he was a teenager or in his 20s. Of course, he was the 1st time he was busted. I guess it never occurred to them that a 20-year old, jailed for arson, is still an arsonist when he's released from prison - the second time, for felony arson, no less.

According to this article, his M.O. for starting the previous fires was lighting a copy of the Seattle Times. Can't do that with a Kindle!
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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RE: Seattle Times profile on the arsonist
"Can't do that with a Kindle!" Oh, bilco, you encourage me to reinstate a Comment of the Week post.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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