posted 11/30/09 10:07 AM | updated 12/01/09 10:34 AM
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Lakewood Shooter Suspect at Large in Seattle

By Michael van Baker
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Two people watch from the western perimeter of the stand-off at 30th & Yesler. Photo: CHS

UPDATE: Maurice Clemmons was shot and killed in the Rainier Valley early Tuesday morning, December 1.

Sunday night around nine, SWAT rolled to Seattle's Leschi neighborhood on a tip that Maurice Clemmons was hiding in a house there. After negotiating with the house for several hours, sending in a search robot, and tear-gassing it, police entered themselves but Clemmons was gone. (Police say they have evidence he was there, and that he was shot by one of the slain Lakewood police officers.) Reports so far this morning have Clemmons appearing in the University District, and then Beacon Hill.

Overnight, the 37-year-old Maurice Clemmons was upgraded from a "person of interest" to suspect in the slayings of four Lakewood police officers on Sunday morning. The murderer appeared at the Forza coffee shop across the street from the McChord Air Force base, buying a coffee and displaying a handgun to baristas who turned and fled, and then turning on the four police officers there, killing all of them, despite their vests.

Suspect Maurice Clemmons

The story has grown sadly reminiscent of the Shannon Harps murder, as the suspect Clemmons has a long trail of felonies and mental instability in his wake, and should have been in prison. A decade ago, he was released from the remaining 47 years of a sentence in Arizona. Publicola has the plea for clemency that Clemmons submitted to Governor Huckabee, who then commuted his sentence. (Huckabee has released a statement.) Later parole violations were not prosecuted.

In Washington this past May, Clemmons was charged with assaulting police officers who were investigating reports that Clemmons was throwing rocks through his neighbors' windows. He was also out on bail after being charged with child rape.

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Tags: maurice clemmons, arizona, huckabee, parole, shooting, lakewood, parkland, mcchord, police, murder, forza, beacon hill, university district
CommentsRSS Feed
How the f'ck is this guy not in jail? Long wrap sheet, child rape, seems like a good reason to let him go? Huckabee and inc. are incompetent!
Comment by john
1 week ago
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RE: justice
Say goodbye to Huckabee's (admittedly small) prez. chances. Willie Horton, anyone?
Comment by bilco
1 week ago
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It appears that most people in the Seattle, NW and entire west coast can only know what marginal media feels they can handle, or wants the public to know as facts, as the comments from John and Bilco attest. Possibly they only hear what they want to hear and believe what makes them FEEL GOOD! That also makes them bleeding heart liberals, who love to whine and blame others.
Ten years ago, Huckabee COMMUTED his 107 year sentence to 47 years, based upon a judge that said his sentence as a then 16 year old was excessive, and he had served 11 years. Commuted means reduced. His crimes were relatively minor. Huckabee did not release him. That was done by a parole board. Huckabee, for all the good it can do now, accepts full responsibility for granting the commutation. The Seattle DA bears more responsibility than anyone.
Comment by t-bird
1 week ago
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RE: shooter
Kinda missed the point, TBird.

These days, reality doesn't matter, press buzz does. And my point is that the press buzz from this is going to be Willie squared.

I haven't said one thing about the facts of this case - I'm talking only about how St. Huckabee is going to be crucified. Since I posted, even the right-wing zealots (perhaps you know a few) are throwing him under a bus.
Comment by bilco
1 week ago
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Bad Guys
Every day in every state they let bad guys out of jail, some early, some after a long sentence. The thing is, these guys are sociopaths for sure by the time they are released. Monsters without consciences. They ought to offer euthanasia by heroin to all inmates. Bottom line from me, bad guys are all over, you never know where or when. Theres no use in blaming anyone but the sociopathic criminal himself.
Comment by QuickNick
1 week ago
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So reality and facts don't matter, only the press buzz from the marginal media? The same media buzz you get about the latest about the hollywood cultural elite, some reality show, or how great obama is doing in your little liberal world? The only people who will try to encourage anyone to throw Huckabee (not my first choice) under the bus owned by the dems, are those who are afraid of and can't handle the truth.
QuickNick is 100 % correct, with one added proviso; Enforce the laws in effect now and get rid of the bleeding heart judges/social workers.
Comment by t-bird
6 days ago
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