posted 12/07/09 10:11 AM | updated 12/07/09 10:11 AM
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In Overtime, It's Maria Cantwell v. Italy in the Knox Cup

By Michael van Baker
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Business news site Bloomberg is shouldering in for its piece of the Amanda Knox story: They say the Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has denied suggestions that there are U.S.-Italy "tensions" as a result of the guilty verdict for Amanda Knox.

If anyone is remotely tense, it's likely the doing of U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, who released a statement just after the verdict, saying, "The prosecution did not present enough evidence for an impartial jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Knox was guilty." Further, "I will be conveying my concerns to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

On ABC's This Week, when asked about the case and Cantwell's concerns, Hillary Clinton said, "George, I honestly haven’t had time to even examine that. I have been immersed in what we’re doing in Afghanistan. Of course, I’ll meet with Senator Cantwell or anyone who has a concern, but I can’t offer any opinion about that at this time."

As of today, Frattini said, there have been no Italo-U.S. conversations on Amanda Knox. And the case's chief prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini, has not taken Sen. Cantwell's criticism to heart: "My conscience is clear," he has said. "This senator should not interfere in things she knows nothing about."

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Tags: amanda knox, hillary clinton, maria cantwell, franco frattini, italy, perugia, verdict, guilty
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Amanda Knox found guilty
Most of the population would prefer a murderer behind bars, rather than taking a chance of reoffending because of a technicality or loophole. There was suspicion because of Amanda's unusual behavior after the murder. Her behavior was normal and typical after she received her conviction with sobbing and'll notice her reaction was very different when it was HER life at stake.
Comment by annelise
1 week ago
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no enough evidence
I appreciate your statement about that 'no enough evidence' to send for 26 years to prison, a very young student girl.
Thank you for your courage, sensitive heart and deep understanding: major qualities to be a good Senator and a great future woman President.
Comment by Maria Altschuler
1 week ago
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amanda knox
Ms. Cantwell: You can't be aware of all the evidence, you weren't there and I don't believe you speak Italian.
Comment by stayoutofit
1 week ago
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Amanda Knox and Cantwell
Maria Cantwell makes me sick. What does she know about what happened? And yet, she insults Italians and so many of us who are Italian-Americans. In fact, I don't think even Cantwell believes Knox is innocent. When pressed in an interview, being asked twice does she think Amanda is innocent, both times she chose to simply be silent on this issue. Speaks volumes.

I hope Cantwell isn't planning any trips to Italy - ever - as I don't think she will be very welcome. It is actions like hers that make foreigners view Americans as arrogant and self-centered. And we have to pay for this disgusting behavior.
Comment by Anthony
1 week ago
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