posted 12/02/09 05:07 PM | updated 12/02/09 05:07 PM
Views: 97 | Comments : 0 | Music

Welcome to the Dude Show, Starring Japandroids and Surfer Blood

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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Japandroids playing the Capitol Hill Block Party this summer, care of everybody's favorite photog, joshc.

Chop Suey last night was a major dude fest.  Not that most rock shows aren't--it's a simple fact that your basic concert tends to have more men than women in attendance (and no, John Mayer doesn't qualify as a "rock show").  But for Tuesday night's Surfer Blood and Japandroids show, it was as if every dude in town had brought his best dude on a dude date.  I mean this in a good way.  There was not a single douchebag in attendance, but there was plenty of bromance in the air.

The man-on-man camaraderie was onstage as well.   Both Surfer Blood and Japandroids consist of guys who have been long-time friends and formed a band.  (Sadly, we missed World's Greatest Ghosts, but from what we've heard of them, we'll be sure to make their next show.)  There's something about seeing a group of guys together just getting off from the thrill of making music.  With Surfer Blood, the up-and-coming West Palm Beach band put on a solid, energetic opening set true to their California-leaning album Astro Coast, out in January. 

And with Japandroids, the Vancouver duo's had a hell of a year:  accolades up the wazoo, the occasional emergency surgery, and tons o' touring.  This was their last show before a brief respite from the road (to record, of course) and the dudes gave it all they got.  Let's just say that there was lots of air guitar antics (while actually playing a real guitar), and the fan perpetually blowing Brian King was in full effect.  They played a couple songs that they'll be recording soon, including one epic that ventured into Black Mountain territory.  I'm glad to hear they're working on a follow-up to Post-Nothing, but after such a busy year, Japandroids should probably take a little breather.  You've earned it, dudes.

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Tags: surfer blood, japandroids, worlds greatest ghosts, chop suey, live music
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