Avatar is Actually Avatar-iffic?
posted 12/17/09 06:44 PM | updated 12/17/09 06:47 PM
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What if Avatar is Actually Avatar-iffic?

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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Oh, Avatar.  Ever since news of James Cameron's decades-in-the-making, technology-expanding, this-is-the-future-of-cinema-revolutionizing, nearly-three-hour epic sci-fi extravaganza was announced, I have wanted it to fail.  When the underwhelming first images and trailers came out, it looked to be as bad as my greatest expectations, and I was rubbing my hands together in glee. I was fully prepared to see it (because I HAVE to see it) and hate it.  But then something happened. 

The reviews started to trickle out...and they were good.  Better than good, in fact, like, borderline rapturous.  The write-up that really gave me pause was Choire Sicha's non-review over at The Awl, where he discusses how he wasn't expecting much out of the movie, only to have it end up as his top film pick of the year.  And he's a cranky fag.  So, ummmm, what if I like this movie after all?  UH OH.  Be prepared for a paradigm shift.  Like all the other nerds, I'll be seeing it tonight, and I'll have a review up here tomorrow.  Bring it on, Cameron!

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Tags: avatar, james cameron, movies, the awl, choire sicha, sci-fi
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You too?
I've felt the same way about this. Have to admit, too, that I have a soft spot for Sigourney Weaver (Ellen Ripley). Looking forward to hearing what you think. I'm catching Avatar Saturday night. (IMAX 3D!)
Comment by Clint Brownlee
3 days ago
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Please hate this movie
If you like this movie then I will feel obligated to see it and I know that will be an unpleasant experience for me. All the hype in favor of Iron Man, for example, compelled me to give that turd a chance recently and as expected I couldn't stand it. I hated it. It was as bad as I expected it to be. It was really annoying. So if you see James Cameron's smurf film and like it, thereby forcing me to also see it and predictably hate it, then you will not be able to give me those three hours of my life back and I will write a snide comment on your blog post.
Comment by Steve Winwood
3 days ago
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