posted 12/18/09 09:07 AM | updated 12/18/09 09:07 AM
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Glimpses: "Christmas Cheer"

By James Callan
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Christmas Cheer

Bill Kuhn cuts right to the chase: Christmas is about booze. (Or is that booze? Hmm.) Season's greetings from the SunBreak Flickr pool, chemically assisting your holiday since 2009.

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Tags: seattle pictures, bill kuhn
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Thanks for posting my photo -

And those are pills, not booze. Whatever gets you through the night.
Comment by bilco
3 days ago
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RE: Thanks!
At first -- and second -- glance I thought they were whiskey bottles. Then realized they weren't exactly bottles ...

Thanks for dropping it into the pool.
Comment by James Callan
2 days ago
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I was going to say...
They look like Vitamin E pills to me.
Comment by Shawn
2 days ago
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RE: I was going to say...
Geez Shawn, you're way too observant.

Pretty close - Flax seed oil pills
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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Cod liver oil, that's the tonic for what ails you!
Forget that flax seed stuff!
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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RE: Cod liver oil, that's the tonic for what ails you!
You know, MvB, every since I was a little kid, I was always freaked out by even the name of Cod Liver Oil. Each of these words is designed to drive a youngster insane. Plus, in Our Gang, it was always the ultimate punishment.

For the record, I tried shooting 'Fish Oil' pills [the clever way the market CLO these days), but they were too dark. Yeah, a hypochondriac (or a pill head).
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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