The SunBreak
posted 02/17/10 11:41 AM | updated 02/17/10 11:41 AM
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Washington Second Only to Alaska in Internet Use

By Michael van Baker
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"I'm on the internet every day. I mean, everyone else is doing it."

Sightline's Eric de Place just posted about the Census Bureau's 2009 numbers on internet use, where the Northwest states make a very strong internet showing. Washington is second among states in percentage of people reporting they log on from somewhere (first: Alaska), and sixth in percentage of people who have internet access at home (first: New Hampshire).

Mississippi is the least online state, no matter how you slice it, with just 55 percent logging on.

Now, for my money, you can throw out Alaska as a leader, since the state population is only slightly larger than the city of Seattle. That's apples to oranges!

Sightline is interested in our strong Northwest showing because of the internet's effect on distance. Northwesterners drive more miles because the region is less dense and more roadsy than, say, British Columbia. But trips made on the internet can eliminate a single vehicle's trip entirely (if you watch a movie online, instead of trucking to the video store) or reduce its impact (if your online shopping is delivered).

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Tags: internet, use, access, washington, northwest, sightline, transportation, online
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Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
2 days ago
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Not sure
Not sure we should be proud of any ranking that puts us between Utah and Alaska.
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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