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posted 03/23/10 05:00 PM | updated 03/23/10 05:11 PM
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Meet Your New American Hero, Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna and friend

After this weekend's historic health care reform vote in the House, Hitler Obama has won and the evils of Marxist socialism now cast a shadow over our formerly fair land. At the bill's signing yesterday (cue thunderclap), Obama was flanked by activist legislators, as well as America-hating orphan, Seattle's own Marcelas Owens.

Remember that reconciliation still has to pass the Senate in a separate vote, and that health care reform won't go into effect until 2014. Still, great American patriots are starting the fight against health and hope and change now. To save our country, it's going to take some heroes, some defenders of liberty, a veritable...wait for it...wait for it...Dick Armey. 

Army of dicks present yourself!

A cadre of brave--and only coincidentally Republican--attorneys general, led by Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli, plan to take legal action against the newly-passed bill, arguing that the bill's "individual mandate" provision forces freedom-, sickness-, and poverty-loving American citizens to have health insurance against their well, as well as that of THE EM-EFFING CONSTITUTION. Let's take a look at the states of the AGs who have signed on to this assuredly well thought-out and legally cogent argument. Besides Virginia, it's the attorneys general of Alabama, Florida, Texas, Nebraska, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Washington.

What what now?  That's right, AG of blue Washington State Rob McKenna (who just so happens to have been John McCain's Washington State campaign chairman) is bravely standing up against Big Health. To say the least, Governor Christine Gregoire is really not having it. Sometimes sticking your neck out means you get decapitated. You live, you learn, you lose control of your budget. (And feel free to drop Rob a line here.)

And anyways, it's not like this lawsuit is going to go anywhere, especially not all the way to the Supreme Court. It doesn't take a Constitutional law scholar (cough Obama cough cough) to figure this one out. Sorry Tenthers, but the health care reform bill falls well within the federal government's right to regulate interstate commerce, no duh no doy.

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Tags: health care reform, hcr, house of representatives, reconciliation, marcelas owens, rob mckenna, attorney general, tenth amendment, repeal, supreme court, dick armey
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Health Care
God bless you Rob Mckenna. Thank you for standing up for the good people in Washington and our constitutional rights. Please don't back down...
Comment by Debbie Schoonover
1 week ago
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Good grief
Who died and made this idiot god?

Please protect our right to suffer when we get a terrible disease! Our family should go broke because of it - it's god's will! The same god that made that little kid sick in the 1st place. He's a crafty one.

Turns out, it means you have to pay attention to the AG race.
Comment by bilco
1 week ago
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I like how he tries to paint himself as this fair, moderate voice of the sensible right yet you can find him on public access at Republican Fundraisers saying the same disingenous, mean-spirited talking points that every other prominent right winger is expected to parrott.

And he looks like a transsexual, which is fine unless your a Republican.
Comment by john
1 week ago
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"No duh"?
"health care reform bill falls well within the federal government's right to regulate interstate commerce, no duh no doy."

Really? "No duh"?
Not sure where you picked up your Con Law degree, Audrey, but there is definitely more than a little debate here as to what the powers of Congress really are.

If I understand the bill correctly (and honestly I have no idea if I really do...) the Interstate commerce clause is being used to justify fining (technically taxing, because the fed govt. can't fine us for something like that) for not having health insurance. That clause has been used for all manner of things in modern times, but it's always been questionable what the limits of that are. One can certainly argue that as we as a society become more mobile, "interstate commerce" means much more than it did in the past, but it's debatable where the limits of that clause lie.

Also, if Gov. Gregoire and company are actually serious about this, they need to pass state legislation making it so and thus making McKenna's stance moot. THEY need to actually step up to the plate if they believe this is what is good for the state. If they believe that McKenna is "wasting" the tax payers money, it's pretty easy for them to put an end to it with actual policy instead of petty attacks.

Remember this is how our government is SUPPOSED to work. You don't just get your way because you have a majority, you have to take on the challenges of the minority opinion, which are protected by the Bill of Rights.
Comment by BigGreenMonster
6 days ago
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We all deserve better!
I am as frustrated as the next person with healthcare costs but lack the data to know more precisely what drives the cost. I agree with the left, that the path we are on is not a good one. I don't like that families go bankrupt due to medical problems but I see a lot of unhealthy lifestyles that I can't afford to help pay for. again, where is the data. I agree with the right, that individual liberties should be preserved as we seek what is best for all. If I continue to eat healthy, exercise, and don't smoke, do I get cheaper insurance costs? What we can all agree on, is that federal programs have yet to be managed in a manner that does not drive incredible debt, or taxes, or both. The political process has failed us. We compensate our representatives with salaries far above mine. They draft dysfunctional legislation with deals that line the pockets of lobbyists, corporations, and unions. What do we get? We get an economy put on hold while they push small biz to the brink of failure. If they raise my operating costs, I fail. If they keep killing the economy, I fail. If they do both, I guess I qualify for free healthcare and school supplies for the kids. I'd rather they come up with effective solutions, or don't interfere at all, and let us run our own lives. I have had enough. Anybody else in the middle or am I all alone here.
Comment by DeadCenter
4 days ago
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