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posted 03/24/10 03:46 PM | updated 03/24/10 03:44 PM
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Seeing Stars in Emerald City

By morgen
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Wil Wheaton in the Rock Band room at ECCC

Last year's Emerald City Comicon (ECCC) was unbelievably fun, which is why I decided to go the extra mile this year and volunteer. It didn't hurt that after a few hours helping, I was able to roam the rest of the day free of charge. Even more fortune landed me on the panels team, which amounts to handling the crowds when artists or special guests speak. Two guest panels I was lucky enough to work were Wil Wheaton and the great one, Leonard Nimoy.

Last year I remember seeing Wheaton at his deserted autograph table bored and feeling pretty bummed that no one was talking to him. This year it couldn't have been more different--as a matter of fact he filled the 1500-seat room on the sixth floor of the Convention Center. His talk was witty and fun, and he read a few very funny stories, one of which was from his new book Memories from the Future. It contains re-enactments of Star Trek the Next Generation episodes through the goofy (and more than occasionally dirty) mind of Wheaton.

Standing twenty feet from Leonard Nimoy, I was impressed by his gracious demeanor.  After over twenty years of being in the spotlight from one role in his career, he is more appreciative and respectful of his fans than most who've been dealing with fame for only half that time.  He spoke of his photography, friendship with William Shatner, acting career, and life, and came off as truly content with what he has been given. Anyone would have been a fan of his after a panel like that.

There were so many amazing things to do and see from artists, tv, and film stars to comics for sale and Rock Band with Wil Wheaton that one post couldn't even begin to cover it all. It was the biggest ECCC Seattle has ever seen and next year proves to be even bigger, spanning three days rather than the traditional two. The Con couldn't even begin to work without all the efforts of the fantastic volunteers I met, so if you have some extra time March 4-6th, 2011, contact ECCC and help out. Believe me, it's worth it.

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Tags: wil wheaton, comics, emerald city comicon, star trek, ECCC, leonard nimoy, volunteer
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