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posted 03/30/10 12:30 PM | updated 03/30/10 12:24 PM
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SIFF 2010 Opening Night Film Announced

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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SIFF just announced their opening night film for this year's fest, and it's a good 'un: The Extra Man. The film is well-written and -acted all the way around, and it's witty and class-conscious enough for the various types of Seattle folks (read: even the olds) who usually hit up the big SIFF events.  There's no trailer yet online, but above is some footage of Katie Holmes crying on set with Paul Dano. I saw the film at Sundance a couple months ago, and this was my take then:

The Extra Man is the latest by husband-and-wife writer-director team Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini (with Jonathan Ames, adapting his own novel). As the dynamic duo is responsible for American Splendor, I will go with them on any cinematic journey.

In this film, they give Kevin Kline the juicy role of Henry Harrison--the kind of performance that the Academy ignores every year--a senior citizen pseudo-aristocrat, who knows how to get things for free, whether it's sneaking into the opera or talking wealthy friends into putting him up in Palm Beach. Enter his new roommate Louis Ives, played by Paul Dano, an English lit teacher turned magazine ad salesman, who both fancies himself a gentleman straight out of Gatsby and struggles with some cross-dressing tendencies. Dano, with his flat face and awkward demeanor, is the perfect fit as a psychologically-conflicted aspiring dilettante who often imagines a narrator telling the story of his life. Does this sound like a comedy? Because it is, and a pretty funny one at that. Even with Katie Holmes? Yes, even with Katie Holmes.

Opening night is May 20th, and this time around, the film and party is at Benaroya Hall.  Oooh la la.  Tickets still available, ranging from $45 as a SIFF member to $200 for the VIP red carpet experience.  Feel free to peruse the other SIFF-related passes and packages, and mark your calendar for the big event.

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Tags: SIFF, Seattle International Film Festival, SIFF 2010, the extra man, shari springer berman, robert pulcini, american splendor, kevin kline, katie holmes, paul dano, john c reilly, opening night film, opening night gala, benaroya hall, sundance, sundance film festival
CommentsRSS Feed
Shut up, Dawson!
Does she have the same half novacaine face in this like she did in the Dawson Creek tv series from the 1990s?
Comment by Steve Winwood
1 day ago
( +1 votes)
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RE: Shut up, Dawson!
Yep, that's her face alright.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
1 day ago
( 0 votes)
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