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The SunBreak
posted 06/03/10 10:44 AM | updated 06/03/10 10:44 AM
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Inspired Enough to Book a Direct Flight to Iceland?

By Michael van Baker
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Iceland's mind-blowing Blue Lagoon

"Inspired by Iceland" is the big social media push that's launching to reassure travelers that Iceland isn't one big volcano. Technically it sort of is, but the point is that most of the rest of the country is not erupting, it's perfectly safe, and just as wildly beautiful as always. If you're at all worried, what with the volcano being at the south end, all you have to do is drive north.

If you've already been, they're soliciting traveler's stories to get the word out--you can submit your own at the site, or just listen to Viggo Mortensen's.

Another Icelandic roadside attraction

We at The SunBreak are big Iceland boosters, even though it is obvious to most of you that Iceland doesn't lie precisely within Seattle city limits. But observe our geometric logic: First of all, it is as if Iceland and Seattle are contiguous because you can take light rail there (granted, there's a moment where you get off the light rail at Sea-Tac and onto an Icelandair plane, but that's a blink of an eye.)

Second of all, what would be miserable Icelandic weather to most tourists makes the Seattleite feel right at home. Mid-50s and rain? Heavenly. So you can't lose.

Alþingi, at Þingvellir, is where Iceland's parliament started to meet in 930 AD.

So the Icelandic Tourist Board has wisely decided to capitalize on the tales of slightly demented Icelandic tourists, of which group I am a prime example. It's worth noting that you either "get" Iceland or you don't. For some people, vacation had better involve 80 degrees, a beach, and access to rum drinks. For others, the mention of Iceland brings a gleam to the eye, along with the realization that you have always wanted to go. Why? Likely because you caught the Iceland bug from some previous visitor.

My little Icelandic ponies

It doesn't really matter what time of year you go. Plenty of people go for the eternal summer days, but a friend of mine came back gibbering excitedly about the Northern Lights after a late December trip. I went for Iceland Airwaves in October (and the global financial crisis of '08). The photos are always spectacular, but really only half the story. The best way I can explain it is that Iceland feels alive. It's a little unsettling, but the dynamic sights all around stoke your dopamine furnaces something fierce. There's nothing else like it.

A park view in Reykjavik

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Tags: iceland, icelandair, tourism, tourist, volcano, inspired by iceland
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Discover the Icelandic Horse
Imported from Iceland over 1000 years ago the Icelandic horse is one of the purest breeds known to mankind. Once a horse leaves Iceland it is never again allowed back into the country. In Iceland, there are no natural predators and as a result the Icelandic is generally a very calm horse. More about the Icelandic horse at Eidfaxi Magazine http://en.eidfaxi.is
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