The SunBreak
posted 06/29/10 11:15 AM | updated 06/29/10 10:30 AM
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How to Ride the Monorail: A Primer for Seattleites (Photo Gallery)

By Seth Kolloen
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First you need a ticket, silly. It's $2 one-way, $4 round-trip. Or you can buy a one-month pass for $40. That's what I call value!

The Monorail has its charms. Look! You drive it with a friggin' joystick! How awesome is that? Still, the world's only single-rail train is frequented almost exclusively by tourists, because who else goes to Westlake? I kid! I'm at the Washington State Cougars-themed apparel shop all the time! It's worth taking a trip if you haven't. Here's how.

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Tags: monorail, how to ride, ticket, joystick, westlake, seattle center
Yes - the Monorail is pretty awesome. Awesome-er, perhaps if it were an ORCA participating agency, but pretty sweet anyhow.

Also, maybe this is a matter of semantics but aren't there other single-rail trains in the world?
Comment by Rob
3 days ago
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RE: Monorail
Other monorails: Brockway, North Haverbrook, and Ogdenville, off the top of my head.

But seriously, I know Las Vegas has one (and I've been on it, jealous?), even though they recently filed for bankruptcy:
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
3 days ago
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Speaking of the monorail
Didn't I vote four times for this thing to be expanded? Can we get a slideshow on How to Expand the Fucking Monorail today?
Comment by Steve Winwood
3 days ago
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