Mad Men Unbuttoned
The SunBreak
posted 07/27/10 10:00 PM | updated 07/27/10 09:51 PM
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SunBreak Giveaway: Mad Men Unbuttoned

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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There was a great sigh of relief Sunday night all across the land to accompany the Season 4 premiere of Mad Men. It was so good to see all our old friends again, especially how they've all changed in the past year of television time: Peggy grew out her bangs! Don likes it rough! Betty's unhappily married! JFK is still dead.

And what better way to kick off the new season than with Natasha Vargas-Cooper's new book?  Born of her recurring series on The Awl, Mad Men Unbuttoned: A Romp Through 1960s America is a look at the show via mini-essays that make pointed, witty observations on the cultural context of the early '60s. So you can quickly read all about the great real-life ad men of the time, the Rothko painting in Bert Cooper's office, what Peggy likely did and didn't learn in secretary school, and just how easy it was to procure an illegal abortion. Fun facts for the whole family!

To celebrate the return of Mad Men, The SunBreak has three copies of Mad Men Unbuttoned to give away. Enter below for your chance to win a copy. We'll be drawing three winners' names Friday at noon.

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Is this a book or a DVD set? The pitch seems to say both, and neither...
Comment by bilco
3 days ago
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RE: Confused
Right right, sorry! Blame cutting and pasting. It's a book, bilco.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
3 days ago
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