The SunBreak
posted 08/22/10 12:23 PM | updated 08/22/10 12:23 PM
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Vincent Moon Movie du Jour

By josh
Contributing Editor
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#87.1 - YEASAYER - No need to worry / Redcave

Because it's the weekend, and lazy overcast weekends are an ideal for overdosing on web video, how about another reminder that the Vincent Moon retrospective continues tonight at the Northwest Film Forum? Above and below the jump, a takeaway show with Yeasayer that's particularly great for the way that it begins with a very skeptical band in the streets of Paris and (SPOILER ALERT) concludes joyfully in an apartment across the city after a rousing impromptu concert on the Metro. I think that this video was my first exposure to the band; so their initial reluctance to shoot it is all the more entertaining in hindsight.

Tonight's program at NWFF includes a collection of these short films, including many that have not yet appeared online. The director will be present to help guide the musical travelogue and answer questions. I dropped in on his workshop yesterday afternoon and was thoroughly charmed; I'm hoping that tonight's presentation leaves plenty of time for conversation, too.



#87.2 - YEASAYER - 2080

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Tags: Vincent Moon, Northwest Film Forum
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I love that version of "2080"! It really gets to the communal nature at the heart of the song, as well as being all about the love of the music, man.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
18 hours ago
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RE: 2080
Yes. That was my image of the band for a very long time; so their recent makeover in both appearance and production style were pretty surprising the first time I encountered them on tour with their latest album!
Comment by josh
18 hours ago
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