The SunBreak
posted 08/23/10 03:55 PM | updated 08/23/10 04:04 PM
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Dock Rock 2010 [Photo Gallery]

By josh
Contributing Editor
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The Cape Naden, our floating concert hall.

On Saturday night I was lucky enough to be invited to join some friends on an 80-foot-long converted fishing trawler for a meandering circuit of Lake Union while musicians played on deck. The event was an annual tradition that began on a dock, graduated to a floating barge, and had finally grown into an occasion that required a real live boat. We converged at the designated meeting place, gingerly walked the plank onto the boat, and set off for an evening of musical adventure.

At the appointed time, the vessel set off and people found places to enjoy little picnics and wandered around the craft. As the ship made its way around the lake, we enjoyed beautiful views of the city at sunset while friendly boarding parties approached on canoes, sailboats, and kayaks. Tour vessels pulled alongside to listen in for a song or two. On deck and on the roof, friends passed around bottles of wine. Caramels were thrown into the crowd by a musical trio. Jherek Bischoff and a volunteer orchestra played until the rain became too much for the fancy instruments. Acknowledging the precipitation, the boat returned to dock and the crowd retired below deck for a cozy concert by Corespondents. The whole thing was a phenomenal experience that further convinced me that more musical occasions should take place in the middle of the lake, and that I need to befriend more people who can enable this kind of watery magic. 

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Tags: live music, center for wooden boats, jherek bischoff, photo gallery, lake union, boats, corespondents
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