The SunBreak
posted 09/18/10 04:36 PM | updated 09/18/10 04:36 PM
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Best Burger-Beverage Pairings, a Pictorial Guide From Burger King

By Michael van Baker
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Photo: Charles Redell, very good friend of The SunBreak who won't sue us for borrowing

Well, finally. Coke obviously goes with anything, but Dr. Pepper always had me stumped. I hope they do one on how to tell the difference between the salad spork and the regular spork next.

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Tags: whatgoeswithburgerking, soda, pop, burger, ellensburg, burger king
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Lacking in detail
I mean, seriously, which goes best with a coronary?
Comment by bilco
3 days ago
( 0 votes)
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I wonder how much...
BK paid for the market research for this? And how do I get a slice of that budget?
Comment by Constance Lambson
2 days ago
( 0 votes)
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