The SunBreak
posted 09/22/10 10:23 AM | updated 09/22/10 10:23 AM
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Kaiser Delivers Cartoon Explanation of Health Care Reform

By Michael van Baker
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Seattle/Local Health Guide tipped me off to this Kaiser Health animated short attempting to explain health care reform without screaming and death panels. If you've you've been putting off reading the 1,000-plus pages of legislation, this makes a good way to pick up the essentials of how it'll work without the eyestrain.

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Tags: health care reform, kaiser, local health guide, animated, cartoon, short
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That was awesome!
Yay, I really liked the unadulterated facts in the video. Yes it will raise taxes, yes it will be required, no it won't increase the deficit, no it's not socialism.

Go Kaiser!
Comment by Eckstein
1 hour ago
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