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By mindyjones Views (152) | Comments (2) | ( 0 votes)

Pro tip: A laptop aids in the pounds-per-hour to kilograms, and Fahrenheit to Celcius conversion.

Our correspondent Mindy Jones is a Seattleite living in Paris for two years. When she's not busy trying to figure out what the French are saying, she's busy trying to figure out what to say to the French. She posts frequently at An American Mom in Paris.

Holidays abroad can be lonely. When a holiday rolls around, we ache a little and talk about home a lot. We put on happy smiles for the Skype session involving every relative we have, plus a few we didn't know existed, all of them crammed into one room chatting and laughing and having drunken angry fistfights while we suffer the family togetherness from too far away. Then we crawl into the corner to cry and drink wine.

Thanksgiving, especially, can be bleak because it's a non-event here in pilgrim-free France. Christmas and New Year's are happy times because the city is full of fellow revelers but for Thanksgiving, you're on your own. You still have to go to work and you don't get the long weekend to eat cold turkey sandwiches and buy bigger pants.

Last year, determined to make Thanksgiving happen in the middle of Paris, we banded together with a group of fellow American ex-pats. New York Mom was in charge of procuring and cooking the bird. The butcher's eyes widened when she said she wanted to purchase the grandest turkey in all of France. He frowned and said the turkey she wanted was way too big for seven adults and a handful of children. She said, Duh, that was the point. He unhappily sold her the bird, probably assuming most of it would go to waste, but he doesn't know Americans like we know Americans. 

I was in charge of my specialty, midwestern cheesy potatoes--"midwestern" because the recipe calls for a can of cream of mushroom soup and a crunchy corn flake topping. I was also responsible for tracking down a jar of cranberry sauce. No one in our group liked cranberry sauce but we agreed it should still be present on the table, preferably plopped into a bowl and still in the shape of the can like mama used to make.... (more)

By Don Project Views (501) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

A wide range of folks descended on the Paramount to see the iconic and enigmatic Morrissey on a Sunday evening. Seattleites from all over the subcultural spectrum showed up to sway along with their favorite British crooner.

Capitol Hill hipsters made sure their hair was perfectly styled, goth girls made sure their makeup was fully applied, tattooed hardcore kids wore their Smiths shirts, new Belltowners wore their suits, and a slew of regular people filled in the empty seats between them. Ages ranged from middle school to 40th-high-school-reunion.

There's something special about a singer that can attract such a variety of fans, especially a singer that is not particularly exciting to watch or listen to. Yet, Morrissey has been steadily adding to his fan base since the early '80s. It's a fan base that, while not quite Beatles-esque, is remarkably dedicated. One gentleman way up in the front even cut his hair to resemble the traditional Morrissey shaved sides and pompadour look that he has sported for the past... (more)

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (145) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Seems like everyone's got their holiday-themed food and drinks going on this Thanksgiving. 

The Bottleneck Lounge has a truly frightening drink special tonight: a cocktail made with Jones Soda's Tofurky and Gravy flavor.  I'm a-scurred.  There will also be Jones giveaways, and the first ten people (starting at 7 p.m.) who dare taste this libation get a free t-shirt.  You will have earned it. 

For those of us who would rather not drink fake tofu turkey flavor, there will also be plenty of Thanksgiving Old Fashioneds, made with fresh cranberries, to go around.  Now that's consumable!

Meanwhile, the good people at Po Dogs are offering up a seasonal wiener all week. As per Ye Olde Twitter: "Come in today and try our Thanksgiving dog. It's a Wiener topped with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy...."  That just might work with a brioche bun.

By Michael van Baker Views (1693) | Comments (3) | ( 0 votes)

(You're taking pictures of the bird again, right? So here's Lou's Tips again, republished from last year this time.)

A little while ago, the fine photographic folks at Olympus put us in touch with Lou Manna, "Olympus Digital Visionary Photographer," for a story on photographing holiday meals.

If you're a foodie, it's likely you've already run into Lou Manna's food photography; he shot for the New York Times for 20 years.

Now he's got his own Fifth Avenue food photography studio, which is where he works with corporate, advertising, and restaurant clients, using (it must be noted) Olympus E-System cameras and flashes. Check out his website and blog

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we talked Lou in to a photo essay. Click through each photo for a tip on how it's done. We can vouch for the "good enough to eat" part.

Here's Lou to get things started:

You’ve spent two days baking all of your holiday goodies… Finally on Thanksgiving Day, the turkey is ready to be gobbled up. Now you want your sweet labor to translate well in photographs. If you follow some of the following tips, then the pictures of your feast will look good enough to eat!... (more)

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (140) | Comments (2) | ( 0 votes)

I know that all of you, dear readers, are already well aware of Blogsgiving and have already RSVPed, and are currently shining up your finest Pilgrim shoes, but just in case, one final reminder: Tonight (Wednesday the 18th) is our second annual Blogsgiving. 

Like last year's event, this year's Blogsgiving is a chance for a cadre of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, Seattle PostGlobe, and all of Neighborlogs) to host a big ol' blogger meetup while also raising money for Northwest Harvest.

So head on over to Central Cinema tonight starting at 6 p.m. for food, drinks, and seasonal tidings. You know that free food is bound to go quick, so be sure to be punctual if you want to get your hands on a caramel apple or a slice of pizza.  Or a slice of caramel apple pizza.

It's a $5 suggested donation at the door, or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Last chance for you to send us any of your favorite YouTube vids to broadcast on the big screen (via jseattle at  And for an extra $6, stick around for Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

For more details, take a look at the invite.  See you all soon!

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is tonight (Wednesday, November 18th) 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Audrey Hendrickson Views (128) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Are you ready? Just another reminder that Wednesday the 18th is our second annual Blogsgiving. So RSVP already.  It's almost tomorrow!

Like last year's event, this year's Blogsgiving is a chance for a cadre of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, Seattle PostGlobe, and all of Neighborlogs) to host a big ol' blogger meetup while also raising money for Northwest Harvest.

Tomorrow night, put on your finest Pilgrim hat and head over to Central Cinema starting at 6 p.m. for food, drinks, and seasonal tidings. You know that free food is bound to go quick, so be sure to be punctual if you want to get your hands on a caramel apple or a slice of pizza.  Or a slice of caramel apple pizza.

It's a $5 suggested donation at the door, or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Send us any of your favorite YouTube vids to broadcast on the big screen (via jseattle at  And for an extra $6, stick around for Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

For more details, take a look at the invite and be sure to RSVP:

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is this Wednesday, November 18th, 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Audrey Hendrickson Views (111) | Comments (6) | ( 0 votes)

Just another reminder that this Wednesday, the 18th, is our second annual Blogsgiving! So RSVP, dammit! We gotta know how many caramel apples to make.

Like last year's event, this year's Blogsgiving is a chance for a whole bunch of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, Seattle PostGlobe, and all of Neighborlogs) to host a big ol' blogger meetup while also raising money for Northwest Harvest.

So this Wednesday, head over to Central Cinema starting at 6 p.m. for food and drinks and seasonal tidings. Please be advised that the free food is gonna go quick, so be sure to be punctual if you want to get your hands on a caramel apple or a slice of pizza.  Or a slice of caramel apple pizza.

$5 suggested donation at the door or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Send us any of your favorite YouTube vids to broadcast on the big screen.  And for an extra $6, stick around for Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

Once again, we kindly ask you to take a look at the invite and be sure to RSVP:

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is Wednesday, November 18th, 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Audrey Hendrickson Views (155) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Hey everybody, Wednesday the 18th is our second annual Blogsgiving!

If you remember anything about last year's event, Blogsgiving is a chance for a whole bunch of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, and all of Neighborlogs) to throw a massive blogger meetup while also raising money for a good cause.

So next Wednesday, head over to Central Cinema starting at 6 p.m. for food and drinks and seasonal tidings. $5 suggested donation at the door or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Everything's going to Northwest Harvest. And for an extra $6, stick around for the screening of Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

Check the invite and shoot us an RSVP:

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is Wednesday, November 18th, 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Cotec Views (177) | Comments (1) | ( 0 votes)

CraftsGiving is a local craft fair that showcases geared towards Steampunk wears, Urban Primative culture, and the underground art scene from seattle. the Fair is on Black Friday November 27th. 

There will be winter wear by local designers, gifts, epic gems, Hand warmers, inspirational local Art, and more. Come gear up for the change of seasons and support non-cooperate hand made goods!

CraftsGiving will be held on Black Friday, November 27, from 2-6 p.m. at:

7601 Greenwood Avenue N.

It's free to attend, and everyone is welcome. It's a great opportunity for us to come together, get to know each other, and support our local artists by purchasing their wares.

Thanks for taking the time to read this invite and supporting the local art community.