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posted 12/03/09 12:27 PM | updated 12/03/09 12:27 PM
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Amtrak to Upgrade (Wi-Fi!) Once Pesky Olympics Tourists Leave

By Michael van Baker
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Photo courtesy of WSDOT

I just read over at the WSDOT blog that the Amtrak Cascades line is getting a makeover, scheduled for March 2010, once the Winter Olympics are done with.

Besides Wi-Fi and an upgraded video system (the existing video set-up has a charming Soviet-era quality)--hold back the tears, business travelers!--there will be an complete renovation of the bistro and lounge cars. Above is the proposed new look for the bistro car, sort of a Jetsons-meets-the-Rialto-concession-stand vibe.

WSDOT invites you to leave comments and suggestions on their post. Apparently they have some sway with Amtrak. I don't know that I'd put the water fountain at what looks like the entrance to the car. Seems like you turn around with your cup and BLAM! the guy in a hurry smacks you on his way past.

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Tags: amtrak, cascades, olympics, upgrade, wi-fi, video, bistro, lounge, cars, travel, portland, vancouver
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design? who cares
Comment by CharlesR
December 03, 2009
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Now, with water!
Love the artist's conception here. Seems like the key feature is the prominently displayed water dispenser. Be still, my heart.

Not sure what that thing behind the water dispenser is - looks to me like the place at the bank where you fill out your deposit forms.
Comment by bilco
December 03, 2009
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RE: Now, with water!
The more I look at this picture, the more baffled I am. All rail cars should have a clear thruway--this one has little pods with handles blocking traffic. At one end you have the water dispenser creating at choke point, and at the other you have the booth creating a choke point. Right now, you line up like flounders for the cash register, while people attempt to brush past you. This doesn't fix that. How about a microwave station or two so that passengers can heat their own food, and not one person in the galley, making the order process take even longer?
Comment by Michael van Baker
December 03, 2009
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Nighthawks on a Train
You're right, MvB, it's a messed up design. Clearly intended to invoke the nostalgia of Hopper's Nighthawks. Trains in the US don't have a chance until they stop trying to be retro and get with the program.

The microwave idea is a fine one, but I'm sure the dreaded insurance concerns would stop that, as they do so many good ideas.
Comment by bilco
December 03, 2009
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RE: Nighthawks on a Train
Okay, well how about that food materializer thingamajig from Star Trek?
Comment by Michael van Baker
December 03, 2009
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skip the redesign - just give us wifi...
who needs an updated design? It's a train for peet's sake - we're not going on a cruz. Save your money Amtrak and just give us weekly business travelers some friggen wifi! jeez!
Comment by poser
December 03, 2009
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