The SunBreak
posted 02/17/10 09:53 AM | updated 02/17/10 09:53 AM
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You May Hate NBC's Olympics Coverage, But You're Watching It

By Seth Kolloen
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Among the adjectives The SunBreak commenters have used to assess NBC's 2010 Olympics coverage: "unacceptable," "boring," "pathetic," "incompetent," "horrible," "terrible," "disgraceful,"  and "awful." People are mad that the coverage is tape-delayed. They are mad about the number of commercials. They are mad that the network shows too many U.S. athletes. Or not enough.

KING 5, presumably inundated with complaints, has posted an apology about the tape delay. 90 percent of readers call the tape delaying "ridiculous." (And not in the good way the Sasquatch lineup is.)

But--people are watching. In an age where practically all network TV programming is losing ratings, Winter Olympics ratings are up 15 percent over 2006. Those annoying tape delays? They aren't turning off viewers. Four of the five cities where NBC had the highest ratings Saturday night were outside the Eastern time zone. (Seattle ranked fifth, but had the highest share: 40 percent of Seattle TVs that were on Saturday night were tuned to the Olympics--thanks in part to CBC-less competition--even though they were watching something that was at least three hours old.)

The haters, I suspect, are the true Olympic diehards. The people who want to see all the competitors, who want to see everything live, who can't help themselves from checking online to see who's won. These people are ill-served by NBC's coverage. I wish that NBC had at least given such people an option--some sort of pay site or channel--where their need for coverage could be sated.

As it stands, such people are seeking out illegal streams, or pledging an NBC boycott.

And even for non-diehards--and I'd include myself in this group--it's frustrating to find out who's won before we can even see the event. What are we supposed to do? Just not check news sites all day? How will we see the latest CNN video of models falling off catwalks?

Seattle Times Olympics writer Ron Judd tried and failed yesterday to get NBC's VP of Communications to address these issues on the record. Wrote Judd: "Like most people in these 'communications' jobs these days, Christopher McCloskey wanted to speak only on 'background' about NBC's tape-delays."

What's there to say? NBC's stated goal--to show the events when most people are available to watch them--seems to be working for the non-diehard majority. And being that advertisers tend to be more interested in reaching the largest audience, it would be suicidal for NBC to show the Olympics any other way.

What you'd like to see is the Olympic Committee mandate that all their TV partners at least give people the option--perhaps for a fee--of watching events live. Until then, the people who care the most about the Olympics are the ones getting the bad draw.

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Tags: olympics, vancouver olympics, 2010 winter olympics, ron judd, christopher mccloskey, nbc, nbc olympics coverage
CommentsRSS Feed
Olympic coverage
Since many citizens in the USA are descendants from other countries, it would be nice to see all the olympics so that we can see people from our ancestors or our native countries including those from the USA.
You are being too partial and that is not sportsmanship.
Comment by Anne Meisner
2 days ago
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Lackluster Coverage,
I can get by with tape delay, since I'm working all day with no real access to the live games anyways. I can even understand extra commercials. What really bothers me is I can watch an hour of NBC coverage and only see about 10 minutes of actual sport. You'd think because of the tape delay, they'd have TONS of sports footage for me to watch at night. Instead I get tons of hot air in the form of extra commentary, athlete back stories, stories about everything besides the Olympics (Like Polar Bears), and then I get to see 6 downhill skiers. It's like the competitions are getting in the way of their broadcast. Here, let's show you the Americans and 4 other skiers that beat the Americans real quick so we can get back to our fluff pieces and stroking our own ego's.
Comment by Steve
2 days ago
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RE: Lackluster Coverage,
That's where DVRs come in super handy...
I mean, if it's tape delayed anyway, why not delay an extra hour and skip all the crap.
Comment by Frank
2 days ago
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What's on MSNBC, CNBC, Universal Sports, USA and Univision?
I thought they aired more of the Olympics via these channels; which is what made me consider upgrading my cable package for a while there. I thought these were your options for the more international, lesser known events along with direct coverage.
Comment by Jose
2 days ago
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RE: What's on MSNBC, CNBC, Universal Sports, USA and Univision?
Universal Sports has been showing winter sports from everywhere except the Olympics, along with repeated airings of produced "Olympics-ish" segments like "Blood, Sweat and Cookies: Training with the Women of USA Hockey." Meh.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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Hate to say it...
Hate to say it, but NBC's strategy is working on me.

For example, knowing Lindsay Jacobellis DQ'd in SnoCross yesterday, I still tuned in for a bit of the taped competition. Knowing that that dramatic spill was coming up, I kept watching to see it happen.

I know it's stupid, I know I'm sheep, but I couldn't help myself...
Comment by Frank
2 days ago
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I hope Comcast fires major NBC douchebag CEOs
I settled with Internet P2P TV for live games. I find it appalling that third world countries can get live coverage with almost ZERO ADS yet first world get's such botched, contrived, and ultra-commercialized coverage. Sure there's the odd events on the other NBC stations, but the big ticket sports have to be nerfed with the most advertisements and drama. F*** NBC, keep your stupid HD signal, I'm settling with EUROSPORT's Romanian commentaries and non-stop coverage.
Comment by Landy
2 days ago
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RE: I hope Comcast fires major NBC douchebag CEOs
"I find it appalling that third world countries can get live coverage with almost ZERO ADS yet first world get's such botched, contrived, and ultra-commercialized coverage"

I'm sorry, I'm as angry as anyone about the time delayed Olympics, but I have to put my foot down on this pointless comparison.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the reason we're a first world nation is because of our economy built on commercialization and greedy, capitalist companies like NBC who can use their power to control things in the way they see fit.

Of course third world countries get live coverage, they don't have the money to buy Coke, McDonald's or AT&T Wireless and their television stations have no incentive to "deliver ratings", it's merely a form of communication.
Comment by The Capitalist
1 day ago
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NBC coverage
NBC screwed up both Olympics.
Any Canadian or European channel that shows live feeds?
Comment by FR
1 day ago
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RE: NBC coverage
Try to look for coverage from ESPN India. They're in English.
Comment by Zoya
1 day ago
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