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posted 06/16/10 10:09 AM | updated 06/16/10 10:09 AM
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King County Migrations, on a Map

By Michael van Baker
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Courtesy of Forbes and the IRS's free datasets, the internet is busy playing with a map of inter-county population migrations from 2008. (The IRS also offers state-to-state migration patterns.)

With this visual aid, you learn that 83 people moved from the Aleutians West census area to King Co., and that 200 people arrived from Miami-Dade Co., home of Tubbs and Crockett. 268 showed up from Fairfax Co., Virginia, with a per capita income of $62,000. Virginia sends lots of people our way.

In general, though, you can see that Seattle benefits most from West Coast and northern U.S. migratory patterns, with some more determined snowbirds making a beeline for the Florida panhandle. Enjoy.

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Tags: king county, population, migration, inter-county, moves, moving, irs, statistics, datasets
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Based on visiting this site..
I'd suggest the designers either attend one of Edward Tufte's seminars (http://www.edwardtufte.com) or at least read The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. It's pretty much impossible to suss out much from this smeared over graphical approach.

Pretty sure there's interesting data here, but this ain't the way to make it useful.
Comment by bilco
6 months ago
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RE: Based on visiting this site..
Yeah, it sounds like more fun than it turns out to be, and the actual execution is a pain, trying to mouseover the exact spot for details to pop up. I'll give it a C-.
Comment by Michael van Baker
6 months ago
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