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The SunBreak
posted 07/22/10 11:46 AM | updated 07/22/10 03:45 PM
Featured Post! | Views: 216 | Comments : 3 | Off-Task

Google on Where Jesus Christ is These Days

By Michael van Baker
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We don't do nearly enough reporting on religion, so here's the equivalent of a thousand words, and a promise to try harder.

UPDATE: How could I forget Bing? But here we see a troubling ignorance of the variety of things that Jesus is up to:

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Tags: google, jesus christ, religion
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I love you MVB
just sayin'...
Comment by vaughn
5 months ago
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RE: I love you MVB
Yeah, well me too, but...

Jesus Christ on acid isn't in the top ratings? WTF!
Comment by bilco
5 months ago
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RE: I love you MVB
It's a different era, bilco. But thanks, because your comment inspired me to see if Bing had different JC intel.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
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