The SunBreak
posted 08/28/10 01:20 PM | updated 08/28/10 01:20 PM
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The Weekend Wrap Sets the Record Straight

By Michael van Baker
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You know that mournful, mysterious train whistle you hear sometimes downtown? Here's the culprit: a freight train emerging from the South Portal of the Great Northern Tunnel.

Perhaps encouraged by the Seattle Times Truth Needle series, people are taking it upon themselves to correct the Times' reporting: Previously, the Seattle Bike Blog has fisked Joni Balter and Nicole Brodeur columns for their specious car vs. bikes set-ups (and let's not forget Sightline's succinct "Seattle Times Flunks Math").

Now Jon Scholes, vice-president of advocacy and economic development for the Downtown Seattle Association, has written an open letter to the Times to point out that enforcing parking limits is not, in fact, an anti-business move. That doesn't mean the Times doesn't write good stories; just this morning there's a great piece on why it seems like there are so many spiders around lately.

After years of crying out in the boom-erness, Seattle Bubble is now becoming our own Paul Krugman of real estate, getting quoted far and wide on how a home is different from a retirement account. TechFlash is covering Paul Allen's Friday patent freak-out. Crosscut suggested that Mayor McGinn might be some kinda new-Jerry-Brown-style leader. (Where have I read that before?) Publicola has outsourced a temp column to Mexico City's Grant Cogswell, who, judging from the comments section, has still got that gadfly "it" factor.

Meanwhile, in neighborhoodliness news, a woman vanished from Hemp Fest. [UPDATE: Found! says the comments section.] CHS walked Broadway with the King County Council's Larry Phillips, who was not beaten and robbed. CD News waded into the intersection of nightlife rules and race. Queen Anne View covered City Council activity on urban farming, which increases the chickens you can have from three to eight.

Blogging Georgetown has the scoop on the potential reregulation of the trucking industry, and RVP reports from the city's most violent corner. Fremont Universe alerts you to advance tickets to Oktoberfest. Ballard got its stolen barber poles back. Tune into My Green Lake for all your pruning news. The Admiral's House at Smith Cove is now an official landmark, says Magnolia Voice. Now, to find out where Smith Cove is.

Maple Leaf Life reports that while Revolution Cycles is closing their store, they're moving to an on-call service. Watch construction of the University Light Rail Station on webcam. This story confirms that Wallingford has the worst neighbors in Seattle. Just awful. It's shocking. Nothing happened in Wedgwood.

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Tags: seattle times, parking, jon scholes, seattle bike blog, grant cogswell, paul allen, larry phillips
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The woman missing from Hempfest was found last night.
Comment by Paige
1 day ago
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To clarify

Seattle Bubble is now becoming our own Paul Krugman of real estate, getting quoted far and wide

Which means correct and ignored?
Comment by bilco
1 day ago
( +1 votes)
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