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By Michael van Baker Views (311) | Comments (5) | ( 0 votes)

Thanks for the memories, BlogsGivingers! Our annual social hour and fundraiser for Northwest Harvest was last night at the Bourbon Bar at Columbia City Theater, and we raised $150 and a big box of food (mostly canned, which I discovered makes hauling it to the car quite a workout).

Co-sponsoring blogerati included Amber from Rainier Valley Post, Maia from SouthendSeattle, Justin from Capitol Hill Seattle (our Tutta Bella pizza provider, everyone thank CHS!) and Allecia, Amy, and Morgen from Seattlest--along with guests Curt Milton of Eastlake Ave., Tri Nguyen of the late, lamented Columbia City Blog, John Jensen from Seattle Transit Blog, and ECB from PubliCola. Oh, and Danae, all the way from Lake City Live, ladies and gentlemen!

Newcastle Brown Ale refreshed us while we were out "walking the dog"--note professional-level product placement in the photos, beer promoters!--and the people at Bourbon Bar fulfilled every heart's desire (largely, for bourbon cocktails, crab dip, and pulled pork nachos). If you missed it, don't despair. BlogsGiving will return next year...possibly north of the Cut. 

By Michael van Baker Views (485) | Comments (12) | ( 0 votes)

Our annual social hour and fundraiser for Northwest Harvest is tonight, November 15! Visit our Facebook invitation page for more details and to RSVP.

Join the writers and readers of such blogs as Rainier Valley Post, SouthendSeattle, CD News, Capitol Hill Seattle, and Seattlest for some fun with YouTube, a beer tasting courtesy of Newcastle Brown Ale*, and a limited supply of complimentary pizza from Tutta Bella.

This year we're going to be meeting up in Columbia City, at the Bourbon Bar (4916 Rainier Ave. S.) from 6 to 9 p.m.

If pizza and beer isn't enough, know that the Bourbon Bar also has a new bar menu of small plates and, you guessed it, a wonderful selection of bourbon.

We're also hooking the bar's TV up to the internets for the evening, so help us build a YouTube playlist by posting your favorite(s) in the comments.

All of this for just a $5 suggested donation at the door, or two cans of food. See you there!

*Please enjoy the one and only Newcastle Brown Ale responsibly.

By Michael van Baker Views (230) | Comments (1) | ( +1 votes)

Last night a hardy band of bloggers braved wind and rain to gather for Blogsgiving, a fundraiser for NW Harvest and a chance for everyone to meet in real life. Sponsored by the Neighborlogs empire (including CHS and CDNews), Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, and The SunBreak, the party raised $447 in cash, and packed up a big box of food.

The mulled wine flowed, and the Central Cinema pizza vanished astonishingly quickly. You want celebrity guests? How about Joel Connelly, ladies and gentlemen! Mónica Guzmán! Dominic Holden! Clark Humphrey! nerd's eye view! The list goes on. B-Town Blog! We even had an Office Nomads blogger show up. I know I'm leaving people out. It was a cavalcade of stars, and, as I say, a cavalcade of mulled wine, so things get a bit hazy for me about mid-way.

Thanks to everyone who helped set it up, especially our host Central Cinema, and everyone who came by to socialize. We'll see you next year!

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (140) | Comments (2) | ( 0 votes)

I know that all of you, dear readers, are already well aware of Blogsgiving and have already RSVPed, and are currently shining up your finest Pilgrim shoes, but just in case, one final reminder: Tonight (Wednesday the 18th) is our second annual Blogsgiving. 

Like last year's event, this year's Blogsgiving is a chance for a cadre of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, Seattle PostGlobe, and all of Neighborlogs) to host a big ol' blogger meetup while also raising money for Northwest Harvest.

So head on over to Central Cinema tonight starting at 6 p.m. for food, drinks, and seasonal tidings. You know that free food is bound to go quick, so be sure to be punctual if you want to get your hands on a caramel apple or a slice of pizza.  Or a slice of caramel apple pizza.

It's a $5 suggested donation at the door, or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Last chance for you to send us any of your favorite YouTube vids to broadcast on the big screen (via jseattle at  And for an extra $6, stick around for Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

For more details, take a look at the invite.  See you all soon!

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is tonight (Wednesday, November 18th) 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Audrey Hendrickson Views (128) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Are you ready? Just another reminder that Wednesday the 18th is our second annual Blogsgiving. So RSVP already.  It's almost tomorrow!

Like last year's event, this year's Blogsgiving is a chance for a cadre of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, Seattle PostGlobe, and all of Neighborlogs) to host a big ol' blogger meetup while also raising money for Northwest Harvest.

Tomorrow night, put on your finest Pilgrim hat and head over to Central Cinema starting at 6 p.m. for food, drinks, and seasonal tidings. You know that free food is bound to go quick, so be sure to be punctual if you want to get your hands on a caramel apple or a slice of pizza.  Or a slice of caramel apple pizza.

It's a $5 suggested donation at the door, or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Send us any of your favorite YouTube vids to broadcast on the big screen (via jseattle at  And for an extra $6, stick around for Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

For more details, take a look at the invite and be sure to RSVP:

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is this Wednesday, November 18th, 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Audrey Hendrickson Views (111) | Comments (6) | ( 0 votes)

Just another reminder that this Wednesday, the 18th, is our second annual Blogsgiving! So RSVP, dammit! We gotta know how many caramel apples to make.

Like last year's event, this year's Blogsgiving is a chance for a whole bunch of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, Seattle PostGlobe, and all of Neighborlogs) to host a big ol' blogger meetup while also raising money for Northwest Harvest.

So this Wednesday, head over to Central Cinema starting at 6 p.m. for food and drinks and seasonal tidings. Please be advised that the free food is gonna go quick, so be sure to be punctual if you want to get your hands on a caramel apple or a slice of pizza.  Or a slice of caramel apple pizza.

$5 suggested donation at the door or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Send us any of your favorite YouTube vids to broadcast on the big screen.  And for an extra $6, stick around for Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

Once again, we kindly ask you to take a look at the invite and be sure to RSVP:

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is Wednesday, November 18th, 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.
By Audrey Hendrickson Views (155) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Hey everybody, Wednesday the 18th is our second annual Blogsgiving!

If you remember anything about last year's event, Blogsgiving is a chance for a whole bunch of local blogs (us, of course, along with Seattle Metblogs, Seattlest, and all of Neighborlogs) to throw a massive blogger meetup while also raising money for a good cause.

So next Wednesday, head over to Central Cinema starting at 6 p.m. for food and drinks and seasonal tidings. $5 suggested donation at the door or feel free to bring some non-perishable food items.  Everything's going to Northwest Harvest. And for an extra $6, stick around for the screening of Big Trouble in Little China at 9:30 p.m.

Check the invite and shoot us an RSVP:

The party begins at 6 p.m. Enjoy some mulled wine and caramel apples. On top of that, we're bringing back the amateur paper turkey contest, a big hit from last year. Will you see amazing things transpire on the big screen? Yes, obviously, or we wouldn't have brought it up. Invite your friends, family, and fellow bloggers, journalers, or tumblrs. See you there!
  • Blogsgiving is Wednesday, November 18th, 6-9 p.m. at Central Cinema, 1411 21st Ave. $5 suggested donation and/or two non-perishable food items.