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The SunBreak
posted 11/16/10 04:18 PM | updated 11/16/10 04:18 PM
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BlogsGiving Thanks You!

By Michael van Baker
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Thanks for the memories, BlogsGivingers! Our annual social hour and fundraiser for Northwest Harvest was last night at the Bourbon Bar at Columbia City Theater, and we raised $150 and a big box of food (mostly canned, which I discovered makes hauling it to the car quite a workout).

Co-sponsoring blogerati included Amber from Rainier Valley Post, Maia from SouthendSeattle, Justin from Capitol Hill Seattle (our Tutta Bella pizza provider, everyone thank CHS!) and Allecia, Amy, and Morgen from Seattlest--along with guests Curt Milton of Eastlake Ave., Tri Nguyen of the late, lamented Columbia City Blog, John Jensen from Seattle Transit Blog, and ECB from PubliCola. Oh, and Danae, all the way from Lake City Live, ladies and gentlemen!

Newcastle Brown Ale refreshed us while we were out "walking the dog"--note professional-level product placement in the photos, beer promoters!--and the people at Bourbon Bar fulfilled every heart's desire (largely, for bourbon cocktails, crab dip, and pulled pork nachos). If you missed it, don't despair. BlogsGiving will return next year...possibly north of the Cut. 

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Tags: blogsgiving, fundraiser, northwest harvest, bourbon bar
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Ravenna Blog's first official endorsement
Here's one vote for north of the Cut. And, if I may, I think My Green Lake and Roosiehood would be votes two and three.
Comment by Rebecca
2 weeks ago
( +1 votes)
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RE: Ravenna Blog's first official endorsement
Noted! And thanks for pointing Roosiehood out to me. Just added them to our Hood Blogs sidebar.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 weeks ago
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The Big Boys
That's a who's who of Seattle hyper-local blogging! Way to go guys!
Comment by TroyJMorris
2 weeks ago
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Nice to see you all!
Thanks for organizing, blogsters!
Nice evening and shop was hardly talked at all.
I successfully avoided bourbon but not the dropping of a Newcastle promo glass.
Comment by Jeanine A
1 week ago
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that's some exceptional product placement happening in #9. awaiting calls from the newcastle ad campaigners.
Comment by josh
1 week ago
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