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By Audrey Hendrickson Views (54) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

A couple months ago, Neon Monster, the San Francisco-based arts/toys/comics collective introduced their very own toy line.  The first of their stuffed monsters?  A cuddly version of cycloptic mascot Mitch.  Sure, he's basically just a big eyeball, but an eyeball full of love.  And he's green too--Mitch is made out of 100% recycled fleece plush, which makes him extra environmentally lovable. 

To celebrate Mitch's Neon Monster debut, The SunBreak has one albino pink Mitch to give away.  Enter below for your chance to win.  We'll be drawing a winner's name Friday at noon....

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (232) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

In January of this year, Neon Monster, the San Francisco-based arts/toys/comics collective introduced a toy line of their own.  The first of their stuffed monsters?  A cuddly version of their cycloptic mascot Mitch.  Sure, he's just a big eyeball, but an eyeball full of love.  And he's green too--Mitch is made out of 100% recycled fleece plush, which makes him extra environmentally lovable. 

To celebrate Mitch's Neon Monster debut, The SunBreak has one albino pink Mitch to give away.  Enter below for your chance to win.  We'll be drawing a winner's name Friday at noon....

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (98) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

It goes without saying that if you liked it, then you should've put a ring on it.  With Valentine's Day right around the corner, those wise words are double-plus true.

With that in mind, the good people at Baronella have offered up some gift certificates for SunBreak readers to use on their jewelry. (Fellas, if you are thinking about giving your lady a cellphone for V-Day, please think again.) The SunBreak has three gift certificates, each worth $50 to give away.  Enter below for your chance to win.  We'll be drawing three winners' names Friday at noon....

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (149) | Comments (2) | ( 0 votes)

Here we are in February, and wouldn't you know it, Valentine's Day is right around the corner.  The holiday means many things to many people: a chance to celebrate lurve, a chance to have a blotto hookup, a chance to make a lot of money, or a chance to make a terrible movie. 

With that in mind, the good people at Baronella have offered up some gift certificates for SunBreak readers to use on their jewelry. (Fellas, if you are thinking about giving your lady a cellphone for V-Day, please think again.) The SunBreak has three gift certificates, each worth $50 to give away.  Enter below for your chance to win.  We'll be drawing three winners' names Friday at noon....
