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By Michael van Baker Views (378) | Comments (21) | ( 0 votes)

Our pet & wildlife and real estate correspondent, Lyle George, provides this picture he snapped while heading to Gary Fukushima's show at Tula's in Belltown last night. The SunBreak has a long history of Seattle rat coverage, but this is the first time I've seen a solution that literally takes a bite out of the rat population downtown. Rats of 2nd and Bell--you're on notice.

UPDATE: A helpful commenter gives you...the rest of the story. "The dog's name is Ozzie and rat hunting is his favorite hobby. He is a Dachshund, not a beagle, and he is 11 years old. He can be seen most days around Belltown. His owner has plenty of other pictures of him catching rats (some bigger than that one) and then there’s the two Seattle officers that provided the spotlights one night so that the crowd of people that gathered to see Ozzie with one of his prizes could take pictures. He had on his cowboy hat that night."