posted 11/03/09 08:13 PM | updated 11/03/09 10:17 PM
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Election Night Coverage '09

By Jeremy M. Barker
Arts Editor
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Yes on 71 Party. Photo by Seth Kolloen.

8:16 p.m.: Odd news. Just checking the news sites before decamping and found a Seattle Times article on the anti-Ref. 71 party's media quarantine up in Everett. Apparently the news isn't being let in. According to Seth Kolloen, the opposite is true at the Yes on 71 party downtown. According to Seth: "Hard to find since housing levy party is right down street and has similar sign. Count 7 laptops and about 20 cameras. Press ratio about 1:8. Question I get: "Is there a place called 'the warroom' or is that the name of a party?"

For the record, yes, the McGinn party is up at the War Room, and the doors opened at 7 p.m.

The SunBreak news room (i.e., this author) is decamping to a quiet bar in Lower Queen Anne to source reports for the rest of the evening.

8:18 p.m.: Well, that's no good! The Stranger's website is down.

The Twitter buzz is that Prop. 1, the affordable housing levy has passed, and Constantine is claiming victory against Hutchinson, 57 to 43 percent!

8:33 p.m.: 1033 failing miserably. Thank God.

Official state-wide numbers as they come in here: 1033 failing 56-43, 71 closer at 51.9 yes to 49.9 no.

9:13 p.m.: Constantine dominates, McGinn leads, 1033 failing, and R-71 is clinging to a lead. (via Seattle Times

Sadly, gay marriage advocates aren't proving as successful in Maine.

9:21 p.m.: Sweet! I mean, no...I'm being objective. City Attorney Tom Carr, a known opponent of Seattle's nightlife, has conceded at his West Seattle headquarters, per Publicola. Congratulations Mr. Pete Holmes!

9:25: and Slog is back up!

9:35 p.m.: From Seth at Pravda Studio, home of the Yes on 71 Election Night Party: "R-71 campaign manager Josh Friedes announced results, said campaign is 'guardedly optimistic.' Noted that the campaign won Skagit, Thurston, Island counties. Pierce County still not in, people wondering what the shit is their deal.

Night started with 'levity' in the form of the unintentionally hilarious anti-71 ads, and the Colbert take. Also gave update on Maine race, Prop one obviously of interest to this crowd.

"Food: carrots/celery with ranch dressing, meatballs in some sort of Asian sauce, cheese plate with crackers and salami.

"Two projection screens, one showing nytimes com front page, the other showing some r-71 specific slideshow.

"Music playing (comment not from me: "you can definitely tell from the music what kind of referendum this is"). Heard Queen followed up by Pointer Sisters.

"Pay bar. No one dancing. Ed Murray just showed up, four photographers shooting him."

Photogs swamping Ed Murray in there somewhere at the Yes on 71 party. Photo by Seth Kolloen.

9:42 p.m.: Just noticed the Tom Carr-Pete Holmes numbers over at CHS--damn, that was a blow-out, 62 to 38. Also, unsurprisingly the man Mike O'Brien is walloping Robert, I mean, Rosencrantz, by about 16 points. Rad.

9:47: From Seth, on hand at Approve71: "[Approve 71] Campaign chair and Storm-owner Anne Levinson says (paraphrase) she thinks the dialogue in this state over gay rights has done much to advance the cause.

"Ed Murray: 'This is the side of the mountain, not the top of the mountain. Tomorrow, we go back to work.'

"Jamie Peterson brings Petey Peterson and her partner Jane, founders of Seattle Womens Chorus, who appeared in an R-71 ad. They get biggest cheers of night."

Jamie Peterson, Joe McDermott, and Ed Murray at the Approve 71 party. Photo by Seth Kolloen.

Photo by Mike Pham

Attentive crowds at the Approve 71 party. Photo by Mike Pham

10:03: More photos, courtesy of friend-of-the-site Mike Pham. Editor Seth Kolloen is headed towards the Edgewater to join a no doubt glum crowd of Mallahan supporters (and probably the man himself).

Via Publicola: "After a brief speech from the candidate, McGinn campaign field coordinator Derek Farmer announced that the volunteers still had work to do. Given the extremely narrow margin of 910 votes, Farmer announced a plan to collect ballots from potential McGinn supporters who had yet to vote and drive the ballots to SeaTac Airport before midnight tonight. Campaign volunteers distributed phone scripts for people to convince their less civicly minded friends that it’s not too late to vote." Follow this link for your last chance to drop off your ballots and support the winning slate.

10:12: You gotta love a lede like this: "Attorney Mike McGinn, who was opposed by the city's business, labor and political establishment while running a populist campaign for Seattle mayor, was leading businessman Joe Mallahan in early returns Tuesday night." From the

10:14: My "newsroom" is a crazy birthday party now, the news cycle is coming to an end. Waiting for reports to come in from our intrepid news team of one in the field.

Mallahan's "non-concession speech", via PublicolaTV.

10:19: From Seth, at Mallahan's HQ: "Mallahan in dark suit, red tie. Talking to media people. His party rapidly emptying out after he 'all but conceded', according to Erica C. Barnett of Publicola, who was uploading video in the hall. (I didn't see it, got here too late). Mallahan's on the second floor, Constantine is on floor 4, I think that's where party people are heading."

10:20: Seth update #2: "In the Alki Room. About 15 people here. Many of these gathered around a laptop. Jay Leno show on the TV. Dead." Apparently the party's closing down...unless you're desperate for every last vote.

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