posted 12/17/09 12:48 PM | updated 12/17/09 12:48 PM
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To UW Students: Enjoy the Holidays, Be Afraid

By Jeremy M. Barker
Arts Editor
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The following is from an email sent by ASUW President Tim Mensing to UW students that was forwarded to me this morning. The juxtaposition of the standard end-of-term best wishes and the attempt to put the fear of the financial gods into students is sort of funny, in that not-at-all funny way. Just another sign that our little economic hiccup is far from over, and the State's budget nightmare is hitting everyone. All formatting is as in the original.

ASUW President Tim Mensing

From: ASUW President Tim Mensing

Date: December 17, 2009 10:59:54 PST

Subject: Final

Hello all,

First of all, I wish all of you the best on finals, and hope that your Autumn quarter was a success both in class and in life.  Over the break I hope you'll have time to relax and recharge. Read below for info that effects you.


If you have not already done so, please fill out this survey about the "least bad options" to address decreased state funding for higher education: [available only to UW students].  This survey is certainly simplistic, as few decisions are as basic as "Quality" versus "Cost."  Nonetheless, your input and comments will help guide the University through some difficult decisions in the future. The survey will close at 5pm on Friday, December 18th.


As you have probably heard in the proposed state budget for next year, financial aid will be halved. As an example for what this means, if you're a Husky Promise student this year, you quite possibly won't be one next year. State legislators vote for what their constituents want, so please, engage your parents with this issue, and join the ASUW Political Action Network.

We understand everyone is facing cuts, but right now what we need in our legislature is an understanding of the importance of higher education, and the willingness and courage to seek smart ways of revenue generation to combat this crisis. There is a better option out there.

Finally, now, more than ever, as students we must look out for one another. In response to this need a scholarship program called the Husky Pride Fund was created. Please join the facebook fan page to show your support.

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Tags: student aid, university of washington, husky promise, washington state budget crisis, cuts, tim mensing, asuw
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