The SunBreak
posted 12/23/09 02:22 PM | updated 12/23/09 02:22 PM
Featured Post! | Views: 310 | Comments : 2 | Film & TV

Rachel Maddow <3s Seattle High Schools' Lip Dubs

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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With the holidays almost here and a Senate healthcare bill in the bag, everybody's precious Rachel Maddow devoted a large segment of her show last night to some very important newz:  dueling viral lip dub sensations made by two rival Seattle high schools, Shorecrest and Shorewood.

Over at the Big Blog, Monica Guzman has been doggedly covering this beat for a while now.  So if Shorecrest responds to Shorewood's backwards gauntlet with a new video, you can bet Monica will be the first to know.

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Tags: monica guzman, rachel maddow, msnbc, lip dubs, shorecrest high school, shorewood high school, viral videos, youtube
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I guess you're not from around here...
Shorewood and Shorecrest are SHORELINE high schools, not Seattle.
Comment by Elaine
2 days ago
( --1 votes)
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"doggedly" was the perfect word choice, hahaha.
Comment by Katelyn
1 day ago
( +1 votes)
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