The SunBreak
posted 02/22/10 01:35 PM | updated 02/22/10 01:35 PM
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Just Another Sunny Weekend in Seattle (Photo Gallery)

By Michael van Baker
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Kenmore Air, coming in for a landing

Today about wraps up our sunny spell. Tomorrow afternoon we return to more conventional Pacific Northwest weather fare. Cliff Mass says, "On Tuesday a weather system will approach with a chance of showers later in the day. Then we switch into a cloudier, wetter pattern...but not too extreme." So if you have an "errand" to run, better get to it. And bring your camera.

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Tags: photo, gallery, weather, sun, cliff mass
That squirrel friend photo is a prize winner!
Comment by ozmafan
2 weeks ago
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RE: ...
I am SO happy to hear you say that. I'm thinking of making him my desktop wallpaper. I was really excited to see how well that one turned out. :D
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 weeks ago
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I just might do the same thing!
Comment by ozmafan
2 weeks ago
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