The SunBreak
posted 06/08/10 02:55 PM | updated 06/08/10 02:56 PM
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Donut-Heisting Seahawks Rookie Golden Tate is Kind of Awesome

By Seth Kolloen
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Like any recent Seattle transplant, Seahawks rookie wide receiver Golden Tate is having trouble getting his fill of Top Pot doughnuts. "They're irresistible," he told the Seattle Times' Danny O'Neil.

The topic comes up because police caught Tate satisfying a maple bar urge inside a closed Top Pot at 3 a.m. Saturday morning. TMZ caught wind of the story (identifying Tate as an "NFL star"...not quite yet, but hope so soon!) and so today both Tate and coach Pete Carroll were answering doughnut questions.

"I do understand the allure of the maple bars," said a sympathetic Carroll.

We already knew Tate was an awesome receiver; he caught 244 yards worth of passes in the Huskies' heartbreaking loss to Notre Dame last October.

Tate's Twitter feed (@showtimetate) has already provided some fun. "Layin in my empty condo! Not a single thing in here that is mine!!! Someone wanna help me shop for furniture!" Tate tweeted May 24.

Or June 6: "Poor judgement on my part at 10 I decided I wanted to cook my dinner! Hamburger helper!"

And now the doughnut break-in. Tate actually lives above said Top Pot, he claims a friend got hungry and decided to sneak in to Top Pot for a snack. "A buddy made the mistake of going in, grabbing a couple. We ate them. Nothing much to the story other than that." Other than the awesome part, you mean? Most of the stories I hear revolve around home improvement or funny things kids say, so this is a nice change of pace.

Additional breaking and entering will be cause for concern; as for now, this qualifies as some welcome eccentricity on a Seahawks team whose run-ins with the law usually include the word "domestic," not the word "doughnut." Don't know yet how Tate will perform on the field, but I'm already warming to him off of it.

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Tags: golden tate, seahawks, football, pete carroll, top pot doughnuts
CommentsRSS Feed
I don't get it...
This story seems really weird.

Why were there donuts out and about at 3:00 AM? (Day olds? Top Pot doesn't sell day olds...)
How did they get in? (if it was breaking & entering, they certainly would have gotten charged)
Did they find a secret passage way in the building to get into the Top Pot at 3:00 AM?
Are there secret passage ways throughout Bellevue Towers? (That would be a huge incentive for me to buy there...)

What are the odds that this is a publicity stunt by Top Pot donuts and their business partner, the Seahawks? I currently put it at 20%.
Comment by Frank
1 day ago
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good quotes
but in all honesty, you or me break into Top Pot when they're closed and we're looking at community service.
Comment by john
1 day ago
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RE: good quotes
Now that's defeatist, John. Fuck it! Go with me. Get on my side and let's do somethin'!--Shelley
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
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Doesn't Top Pot sponsor, in part, the Seahawks?

I smell PR stunt, but it smells delicious in a myriad of ways.
Comment by TroyJMorris
1 day ago
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