The SunBreak
posted 06/24/10 05:20 PM | updated 06/24/10 05:23 PM
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We Miss You, Sweet Lou! (Photo Gallery)

By Michael van Baker
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Seth prepared all of us for this week's managerial match-up of "Sweet" Lou Piniella and "Dynamic" Don Wakamatsu, and I am happy to report that Lou did not disappoint at today's Mariners game. In the bottom of the tenth inning, Chone Figgins stole third (and Mike Sweeney stole second). I thought Figgins might have been out, but the umpire called him safe. Faster than my eyes could register, a blur of Piniella erupted out of the dugout to discuss--calmly, rationally--the pros and cons of the call.

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Tags: mariners, cubs, lou piniella, seattle, manager
This is fantastic!
Comment by Seth Kolloen
3 months ago
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thought you might like that :D
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
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Slow eyes, Seth
I was at today's game, and it was great fun. Well, until the top of the 13th. But poor old Lou is moving pretty slowly these days. Understandable, I guess, since it looks like he's ready to give birth to a bowling ball any day.

But it was really rich, having Lou out for a (half-hearted) fight. Both the Cubs and Ms fans were cheering him one, waiting for a base to be thrown. Sadly, that would probably cause a hernia these days.
Comment by bilco
3 months ago
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RE: Slow eyes, Seth
That's hilarious, bilco. :D I was checking Twitter and it seemed like really everyone I knew was at the game today. I even ran into Dan Gonsiorowski, Seattlest founding editor, there rooting for the Cubbies.

Re: Lou, that'd be a pretty outsized bowling ball. I'm gonna say watermelon.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
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RE: Slow eyes, Seth
It was really one of those amazing days - far too few this year - where baseball seemed the perfect way to spend an afternoon. The temp was just right, the M's were running a streak, Ichiro hit his 100th hit of the season, Felix was on. Hell, the Cubs only got 6 hits over 13 innings.

And the M's lost. Such is the fate delivered by the baseball gods.

And while Lou could be packing a watermelon, but I was figuring it would take a lot of amniotic fluid to birth a bowling ball.
Comment by bilco
3 months ago
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RE: RE: Slow eyes, Seth
I really felt like Lou was taking a turn for the sake of the crowd during this incident. I was a little lethargic myself by the bottom of the tenth, so I applaud the effort, even if no bases were hurled.
Comment by Dan
3 months ago
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