Burlesque Levels Up at House of Thee UnHoly at Triple Door

“Where Righteous Rock meets Busby Berkeley and Benny Hill,” goes the House of The UnHoly tagline (runs Sept. 23-25, early/late shows at the Triple Door). It’s an epic burlesque production, with thirteen dancers, three singers, and five musicians, produced by the Swedish Housewife.

And let me stop you there because surely you know by now whether or not burlesque is of interest. The burlesque I’ve seen at the Triple Door has always been edgy, untamed, and top-drawer (WINK), but for god’s sake, we’ve come to a pretty pass when I have to spell out what’s titillating about burlesque. (OOPS JUST DID!)

I will add that if you haven’t seen Waxie Moon perform before, you may be subject to one of those weird laughing/crying jags that end in the hiccups so be ready for that. “This show doesn’t resemble a typical burlesque show. It’s much much dirtier,” Mr/s. Moon told the Examiner.

Image of Leroi The Girl Boi by Michael Doucette

Instead, what I want to draw your attention to–EYES UP HERE THANK YOU–is the fact that this show employs the talents of Sarah Rudinoff, Nick Garrison, and Jen Ayers as Sirens on Thee Rocks. They’ll be your vocal guides to this psychedelic-’70s trip involving copious amounts of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.

They are all three (I can vouch for Rudinoff and Garrison personally, Ayers you may have heard in Honey Tongue) majestically lunged powerhouse performers who you shouldn’t miss in any venue, and certainly not when you have this all-star lineup strutting their terpsichorean stuff:

Waxie Moon, Lily Verlaine, Miss Indigo Blue, Miss Inga Ingenue, Lou Henry Hoover, Heidi Von Haught, Polly Wood, Leroi The Girl Boi- NYC, Gerard Delacroix, Douglas Ridings, Paris Original, Lydia Mclane our “Living Loving Maid,” The Swedish Housewife.

All of it is backed by the Thee Mighty Arms of Thor house band (Darren Loucas, Andy Stoller, Charlie Lorme, Ryan Burns, Paul Fisher). Honestly, I feel faint.