Third Prize is You’re Fired, with Annex Theatre’s The Secret Lives of My Coworkers

Everyone loves to bitch about their job. Even if you’ve got the best job in the world–quality control at the kitten factory–it’s still essential and cathartic to find something or someone at work to complain about. (Not any of you at The SunBreak, of course. OMG,

The Secret Lives of My Coworkers, the Annex Theatre’s new late night show (running Fridays and Saturdays through Nov. 19; no show this Friday, but Saturday Nov. 6 is pay-what-you-can) keeps that all in mind, as local comedian Michele Colyn walks you through a team-building exercise in which everyone’s thoughts are heard and appreciated. Yes, Powerpoint and stock photos are involved. There’s a cavalcade of comedic storytellers, the roster of which switches up every night, all wearing employee badges and telling their personal tales of work woes. Don’t worry, you can volunteer to share your own stories of hellish job experiences (TPS reports, office birthday parties) after the intermission.

Friday night’s opening show ran the gamut on stories from how Monty Python quotes got banned at Nintendo to what it’s like writing for a college newspaper when your editor is genuinely crazy. The night closed with a story from David Nixon about his time working for a psychic hotline, which also serves as a sneak peek of his new solo show on the meaning of life, Center-Cut Ham Dinner Night Slide Show, opening tomorrow. (Check out a preview here, but avoid the comments section at all costs.  Here there be monsters.)