BOOST Dance Festival Finale Tonight and Tomorrow

kate wallich | BOOST work sample from Kate Wallich on Vimeo.

It’s the second weekend of The BOOST Dance Festival at Erickson Theater tonight and tomorrow, tickets $15. The Festival features eight Seattle choreographers: Daniel Wilkins/DASS dance, Christin Lusk, Alana O. Rogers, Jennifer Elder, Aliza Rudavsky/The Kinematic Dance Project, Kate Wallich, Maya Soto/Soto Style, and Marlo Martin/bad marmar dance.

Seattle Dances writes of  Kate Wallich’s piece, A Wood Frame, that the exaggerated curves of spine create “an inorganic quality that feels neither inhuman nor alien.” Both Christin Lusk and festival director Marlo Martin’s pieces use video. In Lusk’s Static, under a second skin of projected television static, “much of the dance is quite stationary in terms of binding the feet to the floor,” but dynamic bodies “[fill] to the brim the individual kinesphere.” Martin’s video in ask different questions nods to the places the absent mind goes–to images of the mundane muddled with the important.

Most of the artists performed both weekends but tonight/tomorrow’s lineup includes Daniel Wilkins/DASS dance, Christin Lusk, Alana O. Rogers, Marlo Martin/bad marmar, Aliza Rudavsky/The Kinematic Dance Project, and Jennifer Elder. Unfortunately, Wallich’s piece, Seattle Times‘ pick from Friday, does not repeat this weekend.