Ocelot Evita, born in January, is ready for her official public appearance. Best times to view Evita and mom are 11 am-2 pm daily in the award-winning Tropical Rain Forest exhibit. Photo credit: Ryan Hawk/Woodland Park Zoo

Less of The Killing, More of the Ocelot Kitty

This week’s episode of The Killing (“What You Have Left”) featured Rosie’s funeral, further focus on her teacher Bennet as a murder suspect, and the revelation that Rosie’s dad Stan has Polish mafia ties. What, you haven’t heard of the famous Seattle Polish mafia? Anyways, Stan knows that the cops are looking at Bennet, so he offers him a ride home from the wake, no doubt to threaten him with serious bodily harm. Meanwhile, even with staffer Jamie back in the fold, Richmond’s mayoral campaign is headed further down the shitter, thanks to the candidate’s disastrous debate performance, in which he served himself up to Adams on a silver platter by bringing up Bennet’s connections to his own at-risk youth basketball program. Jamie’s right; at this point, Richmond’s identity really is “dead girl in a trunk.”

With that out of the way, let’s get to more important news: ZOO BABIES. Now that ocelot kitty Evita is three months old, she’s ready to make her official public debut tomorrow at the Woodland Park Zoo. Since her birth in January, Evita has lived in an off-view den where she could get in some maternal bonding time, while being monitored via closed-circuit cam. Some cute details: “She currently weighs 5½ pounds and is eating solid foods….According to staff, the kitten is healthy, playful, and has exceeded all of the physical and mental benchmarks. Her favorite activity is chasing her mom’s tail.”

The best times to view little Evita and mother Bella are between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the Tropical Rain Forest exhibit. Here’s some more photos of Evita checking out her new digs, care of the Woodland Park Zoo’s blog.

Ocelot Evita, born in January, is ready for her official public appearance. Best times to view Evita and mom are 11 am-2 pm daily in the award-winning Tropical Rain Forest exhibit. Photo credit: Ryan Hawk/Woodland Park Zoo

One thought on “Less of The Killing, More of the Ocelot Kitty”

  1. Given the current plotline, I will be outraged if the Killing doesn’t at least make a stop at the Polski Dom Kitchen for Friday night pierogies.

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