(Photo: MvB)

Balky Contractors Push Back Against WSDOT’s SR 520 Opening Date

(Photo: MvB)

WSDOT has announced all three design-build contractor teams for the SR 520 project have indicated WSDOT’s aggressive schedule carries enough risk that they’d have to submit higher bids than WSDOT might like. That can’t happen, because this project, like the deep-bore tunnel, has a funding cap.


While the goal for replacing the aging State Route 520 floating bridge remains December 2014, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is providing more flexibility to open the new bridge to traffic by July 2015–a move that could reduce risk and make for better bids on the project.

Note that non-armor-plated “could,” which means that WSDOT is also announcing that the six-month delay might not reduce risk or make for better bids. WSDOT is still pushing hard for a December 2014 opening date, and has built in an early-finish incentive package of up to $2.5 million. WSDOT Deputy Transportation Secretary Dave Dye says lower bids are expected make up for the incentives.

WSDOT’s SR 520 project site still displays $2 billion unfunded for the bridge replacement, and thanks to a delay in implementing tolling is foregoing about $1 million per week in anticipated revenue. WSDOT plans to make up for that by extending the life of the tolls.