Moving Planet, Seattle, from 2009 (Photo: Moving Planet's Flickr pool)

Moving Planet Seattle Joined Over 2,000 Events in 175 Countries

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Moving Planet, Seattle, from 2009 (Photo: Moving Planet's Flickr pool)

“Monster Bike” on exhibit at the rally; room for the whole family! (Photo: Jonathan Dean)

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Special to The SunBreak by Jonathan Dean

Moving Planet wants to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million (it’s now almost 400). To raise awareness of this target, they sometimes talk people into standing in long lines.

This year, Moving Planet’s Seattle event was held at Lake Union Park. In addition to hundreds of well-meaning green Seattleites, lots of non-profits, including the serious (Cascade Bicycle Club) and the smiling (Undrivers’ License) turned up.

Conspicuously absent were any larger, wealthier organizations. The activities of grass-roots organizations may be of little interest to those who measure intensity of support by dollars donated.