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Hordes of Journalists Occupy Westlake Park, Disrupting “Occupy Seattle” Protesters

Follow the story of Seattle’s ragtag band of #occupyseattle protesters on Twitter. They’re back this morning, after Seattle police gave the protesters a little taste of what it’s like to be homeless–by forcibly removing their tents from Westlake Park. I suppose that’s to be expected: When you declare solidarity with the poor, you get treated like them. Since there’s nothing worse than holding a protest that no one notices, the police action most likely did the protesters a big favor. Occupy Seattle the Twitter account says that hearings for those arrested yesterday begin at 10 a.m. at the King County Courthouse.

2 thoughts on “Hordes of Journalists Occupy Westlake Park, Disrupting “Occupy Seattle” Protesters”

  1. Who is John Gal…I mean, Michael Van Baker? Really, Michael, in the interest of journalistic integrity (ok folks no laughing at Michael – he’s just doing what he’s paid to do) why don’t you publish a list of who keeps The SunBreak afloat and who owns you and your paper? Curious minds wanna know….big smile

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