Squirrels are Occupying Volunteer Park (Photo Gallery)


(Photo: MvB)

"No comment" (Photo: MvB)

(Photo: MvB)

(Photo: MvB)

(Photo: MvB)

(Photo: MvB)

(Photo: MvB)

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Here’s another story you won’t see covered by the lamestream media.

I had a hunch that Sunday’s nice weather, coupled with the fall of nuts to the ground, would bring on a squirrel-led Occupy Volunteer Park demonstration, and my intuition proved correct. Squirrels greeted me as soon as I walked into the park, and noted my exit, in passing, as they hurriedly filtered through the pine needles.

Ever since seeing Dr. Doolittle as a young boy, I’ve thought that talking with the animals was an agreeable pastime, but squirrels are one of the few animals who seem really to listen. If you chitter at them, they first cock an eye, hop closer, raise a front paw to their chest, and entranced, sit up with both paws folded in an attitude of supplication. Tell me more, they seem to say. That or, Surely you have popcorn on you?

Admittedly, some are busy and take little notice at all, but I think you’d have the worse results with people on the sidewalks of Seattle.

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