"Emerald City"

City Arts Fest Begins in 5…4…3

“Emerald City”

The 2012 City Arts Festival begins Wednesday evening and wraps up Saturday, October 20. Some of the festival’s wristband passes have already sold out, so if you are a procrastinator, you may be hunting for tickets on an event-by-event basis. David Byrne and St. Vincent are opening the music side of the festival at the 5th Avenue Theatre, but there’s an equally anticipated arts facet as well.

How anticipated? The Arts Adventure Pass is sold out. That’s for people who want to see every single arts event during the festival. They want, for instance, to hear marimba player and singer Erin Jorgensen perform her “Waiting for Signs” at a local tattoo parlor. The show is “best suited for adults” and should contain, reference, or ignore “3 a.m. visions, melancholy chansons, and the philosophy of Simone Weil.”

Also suited for adults, in both senses of the word, is the KT Niehoff/Lingo Productions & Jill Donnelly fashion-party/installation-spectacle “Emerald City: I Have to Be Seen in Green.” It’s about “adornment, personal aesthetics, and how we choose to present ourselves to the world” and there will be live music. It may get weird.

Speaking of getting weird, there’s also Jose Bold & Friends, in their “Dream House,” which is possessed by a spirit highway. This also comes with musical accompaniment. On the dance front, there’s a smaller (physically) work from Zoe | Juniper called “Kate & Zoe” (the Kate being Kate Wallich) that offers “a brief glimpse into the mystery of the other,” and Danielle Agami‘s “Dance in a Public Place,” which is more or less what it sounds like.

There are many more events, including pop-culture historian Jennifer K. Stuller’s multimedia presentation on the female hero in modern mythology, “Ink-Stained Amazons & Cinematic Warriors.” Also of note, a multi-hour literary pub crawl.