Pictures of People Taking Pictures of People with Cherry Blossoms


Photographer on the ground

Dog in the air

Intensity in capturing the shot with a tablet

The man with the 40-foot monopod

A kid in the cherry tree

A family awaits a timed shot

More kids in trees

How many photographers?

It was a picture-perfect weekend to enjoy the peak of the cherry blossoms at the University of Washington.

Seems like all Seattleites came out of their dark homes to enjoy the blue skies, yellow sun, and pink and white flowers. Backs were twisted, dogs lifted, and families gathered to get the perfect shot.

Check out the slideshow above for a glimpse of the action, including the guy with a 40-foot monopod who sent his SLR skyward.


One thought on “Pictures of People Taking Pictures of People with Cherry Blossoms”

  1. Can’t wait till Mega Monopod Man shows up at Capitol Hill Block Party this year.

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