Bumbershoot 2013 Music Rundown, Day 3 (Photo Gallery)

Mark Pickerel.
Allen Stone.
Allen Stone.
The Joy Formidable.

Guitar-hero high kicks, courtesy of Redd Kross's Jason Shapiro. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Jeff McDonald of Redd Kross. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Portrait of funky bassist as tough Mexican cowboy: Kinky at Bumbershoot. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Blistering accordion solo (not kidding) from Kinky. (Photo: Tony Kay)

John Baizley of Baroness rocks hard. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Peter Adams of Baroness. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Mark Pickerel and his Praying Hands play dark music on a bright day. (Photo: Tony Kay)

What magical faerie land is this? The EMP and Seattle Center grounds during Bumbershoot, Day 3. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Kick out the jams, Motherchunker: Superchunk's Jim Wilbur at Bumbershoot 2013. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Mac McCaughan of Superchunk. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Allen Stone gives a listen to the screaming Bumbershoot hordes. (Photo: Tony Kay)

You can almost hear him saying, "Aw, shucks." Allen Stone at Bumbershoot 2013 (Photo: Tony Kay)

Creepy-cool frontman Bradford Cox of Deerhunter. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Ritzy Bryan of The Joy Formidable. (Photo: Tony Kay)

Rhydian Dafydd of The Joy Formidable. (Photo: Tony Kay)

For completion’s sake, enclosed please find my rundown of Bumbershoot’s musical highlights for the final day, Monday September 2.

Yeah, coverage of a live music event nearly two weeks after its finish is the journalistic equivalent of hauling out a good loaf of bread that’s past its pull date. Pretend like this loaf’s been removed from the freezer, several slices have been toasted to a tasty golden brown, and we’ve thrown on some fresh butter and fresh-minced garlic.

Day 3 Musical Highlights:

The Best: Another pair of 1990s-vintage alt-rock acts, Superchunk and Redd Kross, showed the kids how it’s done with winning sets of high-strung taut indie rock and hair-flipping power-pop brilliance, respectively; Mexican band Kinky laid out lean dance grooves infused with mariachi and salsa touches that totally took me by surprise; Red Baraat’s combination of North Indian Bhangra music, jazz, and potent funk likewise blew minds (and shook booties); Baroness managed to fit dense psychedelia and cinematic prog-rock into their fiercely metallic set; roots-noir troubadour Mark Pickerel and his Praying Hands offered a mesmerizing contrast to the blazing sun with gorgeously dark new material; spidery lead singer Bradford Cox made a magnetic focal point for Deerhunter‘s hypnotic shoegaze-tinged performance; and Seattle blue-eyed soul boy Allen Stone proved that he’s evolved into a showman of epic proportions judging from his buoyant (and packed) Tunein Stage show.

The Really Good: Seattle’s most rocking roots act, The Maldives, proved that they’re genetically incapable of delivering anything less than a solid set; Red Jacket Mine spawned fond memories of 70s pop acts like The Raspberries and Harry Nilsson; and The Joy Formidable sent Bumbershoot out with an anthemic, exhilarating final set.

The Rest: Hmm…Loved (or really, really liked) everyone I saw that day. Go figure.

Crap! I Missed It: alt-j’s Mainstage Bow; and what was surely a terrific set by Seattle roots-pop dynamos Ivan and Alyosha.

We now rejoin the middle of September, already in progress…