Category Archives: Transportation

Mayor McGinn Puts Tunnel Cost Overrun Clause in City Council’s Court

Seattle Channel Video can be played in Flash Player 9 and up

Mayor McGinn has handed off a Memorandum of Agreement (between Seattle and the state on the $4.2-billion Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement project) to the City Council. It’s probably most remarkable for the fact that neither the Council nor the state seem inclined to read, let alone agree, with its “third way” option. Wrote McGinn in a letter to the Council:

Today I am sending the negotiated agreements between the City and the State, together with some new language for your consideration. This language, which we have included as paragraph 2.11 of the master SDOT agreement, proposes what I call the “third way,” and it provides us with a path forward to complete the agreement.

In short, this new contract language would stipulate that Seattle’s agreement to go forward will not take effect unless and until the State amends state law to clarify that the State is responsible for all project funding including cost overruns.

This seems a pro forma move by McGinn. The Council has signaled–mightily–that it has absolutely no problem with the cost overrun provision, and has the numbers to override McGinn’s paragraph 2.11. Publicola reports that McGinn didn’t bother to discuss his revision with the Council before sending it over.

Council President Richard Conlin, shown laughing and talking with a lobbyist for developers like Vulcan (at an event at Vulcan’s Discovery Center), told the Seattle Times an interview over the weekend: “If cost overruns take place, then we’ll have to figure it out.”

King County Metro Explores Buses Costing Like Cabs

Bus driving. It’s easy work.

With King County Metro looking at a huge, hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars deficit over the next few years, everyone’s donning their bean-counter hats. 70 percent of Metro’s operating revenue comes from sales taxes, which have fallen off a cliff during the recession. Metro projects to bring in $700 million less than “normal” sales tax revenue between 2008 and 2013.

The solution? Cut costs and raise revenues, of course. As for the first part, it’s almost time for Metro to renegotiate union contracts, and what better way to prepare the ground than to release incomplete and misleading information.

“Metro’s high wage scale factors into its bus-service equation,” is the headline over at helpful tool Crosscut. Author Doug McDonald, former secretary of transportation for Washington, refers to the news that Metro’s top pay-rate for bus operators is among the top in the nation. (See the “More Information on Operating Program Expenses” pdf.) For perspective, what that means is that the highest salary you can make as a Metro bus driver is $59,000 per year. It’s not the highest salary you can make at Metro.

According to Metro, all wages make up 44 percent of its operating costs, with benefits making up another 21 percent. Metro has one of the largest systems in the U.S., so it’s not surprising that labor is a large portion–it has a fleet of 1,300 vehicles. I’ve asked for specifics on what the average bus operator makes, along with breakdowns of union and non-union costs. (Seattle Transit Blog was wondering the same thing and also hasn’t heard back. These are basic questions, and not having the answers on hand makes you suspect obfuscation or incompetence, or both.)

Meanwhile, the transit task force is looking for ways to extract more cash from passengers. Ideas for 2011 include raising fares to $2.50-$3.00, eliminating off-peak discounts, and ending free transfers. A fare of $3.00 seems aggressive, in that Metro reports a cost-per-boarding of $3.67 and cost-per-passenger-mile of just 80 cents. In the documentation provided, there’s no graph demonstrating price elasticity, and what would happen to ridership numbers with a $3 fare.

5 Things for the Mayor and City Council to Focus On

This segment is on East John St., just before Broadway.

Last week, the Mayor and Council member Tom Rasmussen added another chapter to the endless sparring over tunnel cost overruns, and the Council’s Tim Burgess announced that it was time to consider an all-out ban on plastic grocery bags. Earlier, in mid-May, the Council committed Seattle to an Arizona boycott. You wouldn’t think, with all the cost overruns debate and the getting tough on panhandlers and plastic bags and Arizona, that there was anything more pressing to be done. So I have collected five photographs I’d like them to take a look at.

I have a short bicycle ride, five to ten minutes, across Capitol Hill to my office. This morning I stopped to take photos of the larger potholes on my route. (Parts of 14th Ave. E. are all potholes, but they’re smaller in size.) My point is, these are photos of convenience; I didn’t stop if traffic was coming, or if the pothole was on the far side of the road. Any of these, if I hit them right, might send me over the handlebars into traffic.

I don’t believe the Seattle Department of Transportation is studiously ignoring Capitol Hill–everywhere I go around Seattle I see similar signs of disrepair. There is an SDOT pothole report hotline (206-684-7623, also online), but it’s like playing whack-a-mole. The repairs rarely last for long. Even repaved streets don’t seem to last for long, especially where there’s heavy bus traffic. (I’m not blaming buses–this would suggest to me that the streets aren’t being built to withstand heavy bus traffic in the first place.)

In 2006, Seattle voters passed the Bridging the Gap levy, a nine-year, $365-million transportation maintenance and improvements project specifically to catch up on deferred road maintenance. That is in addition to what is already budgeted, of course. Here is photographic evidence of just how well that’s working.

14th Ave. E. pothole

14th Ave. E. pothole

14th Ave. E. pothole

E. Denny Way rut

The Tunnel Takes Its Toll

WSDOT has been charged with finding a way to finance the deep-bore tunnel that is supposed to replace the Viaduct; yesterday they broke out five different tolling scenarios [pdf] to address the $400 million in construction costs unaccounted for so far. The overall project cost–at the 15-percent design stage–remains at $3.1 billion, though the tunnel portion has risen $60 million due to design changes.

(Oddly, the Seattle Times has two stories on the tunnel tolls, one which declares, “Construction estimates for the bored-tunnel portion of the highway remains at about $1.9 billion, same as the state predicted a year ago,” and one which says, “Construction cost estimates for the bored-tunnel portion have risen somewhat–to $1.96 billion, instead of $1.9 billion a year ago.”)

One plan–a low rate for peak hours on the tunnel only–raises only $100 million. Toll rates for rush hour in the four remaining plans run from $3.50 to $5 each way, and there are tunnel-only flavors, and options which also include tolls for segments of SR 99 north and south of the tunnel.

For a weekday work commuter, that would run between $140 and $200 per month in tolls (or from $1,700 to $2,400 per year). A commenter on West Seattle Blog opined the tolled tunnel would be, “Kind of like a secret passageway for the rich.” For back story on how the “optimal peak toll” has risen from $0.31 in a 2002 WSDOT study to today’s $4ish gouging, visit the Seattle Transit Blog.

Interestingly, WSDOT envisions the toll being assessed completely electronically, without toll booths. If you have a toll transponder in your car, the fee will be assessed that way. Otherwise, cameras will detect your license plate, and whomever the car is registered to will be billed.

Inside the Mind of Metro: ORCA, Twitter & Transit Unions

Last week I sat down to talk with King County Metro chief Kevin Desmond about how technology was affecting Metro’s interactions with customers and its infrastructure. Besides the popularity of third-party services like One Bus Away, we talked about smart cards, social media, and audience participation.

I brought up the question of continuing the downtown Ride Free Zone during a budget crisis, and Desmond had clearly already been thinking about that topic:

“We’re going to experiment with offboard payment at the major stations on the Rapid Ride line. Community transit will also experiment with it on their Swift line. The problem is fare enforcement. You can get on via the back door with your ORCA card, but there’s nothing stopping you from pretending to swipe a smart card.”

While light rail is typically limited to a few lines and enforcement is a matter of a few inspectors, Desmond pointed out that “in the bus environment, we might have 900 to 1,000 buses we would have to monitor. But we do have federal money to install rear-door ORCA readers on the entire fleet. We should be able to do that in about three years, but the key is we have to think through the fare evasion problem.” ORCA card adoption alone may speed passenger boarding enough so that the Ride Free Zone would not be necessary downtown.

“We try to have our ear to the ground,” Desmond said, and brings up blogs that Metro staffers visit. The Seattle Transit Blog is head of the class: “They’re smart people, they care, they have good ideas and insights, whether we like what we see or not. So there’s new ways to find and solicit information that didn’t exist before.”

Metro has also noticed the existence of a Transit Riders Union of Metropolitan Puget Sound. When asked about interaction with transit unions, Desmond says, “To the extent they provide good feedback it’s a good thing.” He adds that New York’s transit union, Straphangers, has been “a very necessary thorn in everyone’s side. They kept us honest, and made sure the organization stayed focused on rider concerns.”

Other online communications are more problematic for Metro: “Twitter is a more complicated and difficult tool to deal with,” admitted Desmond. “Twitter kind of assumes a two-way communication, and we’re not really capable of doing two-way communication.” From Metro’s perspective, Twitter offers a huge amount of raw intelligence, and the question is how to sift through that data and develop actionable responses.

“After our snowstorm problems last year, there was a lot of talk about Twitter, and a lot people thought we should be using it to absorb raw data–‘My bus is stuck’ or ‘This bus is late.’ We were inundated with hundreds and hundreds of postings. And just because someone tweeted about an observation in the system, we wouldn’t feel confident enough to act on it. We’d have to somehow confirm it.”

“This is all fine if you have a smart phone,” I said, “but what about someone who just shows up at a bus stop?”

Unknowingly, I’d hit upon one of Desmond’s favorite topics. “That’s the first point of contact,” he nodded, “and so many bus stops are a pole with a sign in the dirt. We need to give customers good information at the bus stop.” In New York, he’d worked on the design of bus stop signs, and he has a high-visibility redesign project in the wings for King County that contains bus routes, the name and number of the stop where you’re at, and each route’s end destination. “We had a good budget for this,” said Desmond ruefully. “The rollout got slowed down considerably–we would have rolled it out in three years, but now we’ll do it more as a standard replacement cycle.”

Metro doesn’t have enough money to put schedule information at every one of the 9,000 bus stops, but Desmond hopes to add more route maps: “That might be coming, that would be the next step we’d take. The problem again is dollars.”

The always-on Twitter firehose aside, the agency employs a number of other communications with the public, which may or may not surprise you, if you’ve ever tried to get them to “fix” something for you.

“We of course get lots of complaints,” admitted Desmond. “Fewer commendations–I love commendations. But we get lots of comments through the website and letters. People call or write me directly. We try our best to use that information constructively. Some of it is about a very specific site or service issue. Some of it is broader. A lot of the comments we get are about service design issues.”

Any time Metro has plans to add or change service, there’s an extensive public participation process called Sounding Boards. That said, Desmond adds, “We don’t necessarily have to agree with them, and they don’t have to agree with us, though we’re generally in alignment.”

For Metro’s recent changes in bus lines to coordinate them with light rail stations, that process began in fall of 2008 and were approved by the Council in May 2009. There were two Sounding Board panels: one for southeast Seattle and one for the Tukwila-Burien area. Metro also sent out broad surveys to the communities.

“We obtain public feedback in multiple ways. We have something called the Transit Advisory Committee (TAC), which is actually a creature created by the King County Council, and the members of TAC, all of whom are transit users, are appointed by the Council…. They are supposed to represent a good geographic distribution throughout King County.”

The 15-member committee currently includes Carla “The Bus Chick” Saulter. They meet monthly and communicate with the Council, the Regional Transit Committee, and Desmond himself. If you want in on it, they take self-nominations here.

The Accessible Services Advisory Committee (ASAC) deals with, as the name implies, accessibility considerations: lifts on buses, Metro’s Access fleet, and things you probably don’t think that much about, like how much bus ad wraps obscure vision for the elderly and disabled. You can let them know of your interest in joining the committee here.

On an annual basis, Metro does rider (and non-rider) surveys that–in asking many of the same questions each year–provide the basis for longitudinal analysis of trends in ridership community-wide. They also check in on special topics–this year, Desmond says, social media tools are likely to be a hot topic.