Tag Archives: arboretum

Cherry Blossom Time Coming Soon to the UW


The blossoms of yesteryear (Photo: MvB)

The blossoms of yesteryear (Photo: MvB)

The blossoms of yesteryear (Photo: MvB)

The blossoms of yesteryear (Photo: MvB)

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How many, many things
They call to mind
These cherry-blossoms!

— Basho (R. H. Blyth trans.)

A cool, blustery start to spring will delay the cherry blossoms’ blooming at the University of Washington, says Sara Shores, campus arborist. Full bloom may arrive around Saturday, April 6, but if the weather warms, as early as Easter weekend. The UW Visitors Center keeps track of cherry blossoms daily, on Facebook. Altogether, the blooming season lasts two to three weeks.

If you visit campus, you may want to print out the Brockman Memorial Tree Tour map, which lists and locates some 67 of the estimated 480 kinds of trees planted around the university grounds, including the Kwanzan Cherry (Rainier Vista near Stevens Way), Yoshino Cherry (31 of which line the Quad), and Hisakura Cherry (near Red Square). If you can’t make it — here’s Pinterest to the rescue.

The Japanese Garden in the Arboretum has Kwanzan Cherry as well, and Shirotae (“Mount Fuji”) Cherry. Beginning later in spring, they hold tea ceremonies there, as well.

Finally, after the last blossoms are likely to have fallen, Seattle Center is the venue for the Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival, April 26 through the 28, with Taiko drumming, ikebana flower arrangements, visual arts, plus a variety of Japanese cuisine and tea ceremony demonstrations.